St. Louis Chapter Donates & Educates

by Edited by ASHI Staff February 1, 2010

Photo: The St. Louis Chapter Education Committee. Front row, l to r: Mike Casey, Daniel Raidt, Curt Pohlman, Paul MacNeill; Back row, l to r: Don Norman, Sam Vladova, Ron Green, John Wessling, David Birenbaum, Frank Copanas

Photo: Thumbs-up from Don Norman, ASHI past-president and current St. Louis chapter education chair, as he kicks off the chapter’s blood drive.

The St. Louis Chapter is proud of its contributions to the community. Twice-a-year seminars improve the quality of home inspection services available to consumers and the chapter gives directly to the community by hosting a blood drive.

For the 25th year, the St. Louis Chapter held two educational seminars. The seminars are included in annual chapter membership dues and are available to non-chapter members for a fee.

ASHI Past-President Mike Casey was the keynote speaker at the November conference, and he covered electrical systems in his educational session. A representative from the Missouri Association of Realtors® was present to explain why it supports a proposed state constitutional amendment preventing the implementation of a transfer tax on real estate by any jurisdiction in the state.

Attendees from Illinois, Arkansas and Tennessee earned CEUs required by their states. Home inspectors from Kansas also attended and Sarah Walsh, ASHI membership administrator, was a special guest.

During the seminar, the chapter hosted a blood drive. According to a representative from the local American Red Cross, more units were collected than expected at this type of function.

There were walk-ins from the community as well as the home inspectors and vendors attending the seminar.

The Blood Truck made it convenient for St. Louis Chapter seminar attendees to participate in the chapter-sponsored blood drive.

Don Norman, an ASHI past-president and current chapter education chair, worked with his committee to ensure the success of both events.

Submitted by Hank Jardine.

Pocono-Lehigh contributes dollars & hours to Habitat for Humanity


The Pocono-Lehigh Chapter raised $2,500 for Habitat for Humanity in 2009, and chapter members contributed some sweat equity, too.



The house that chapter members worked on last summer was recently dedicated. ASHI Associate Larry Transue is pictured in the ASHI shirt in the photo on the right.

Submitted by Larry Transue, Integrity Home Inspections, West Easton, Pa.

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