Southern New England Chapter Keeps the Pedal to the Metal

by Edited by ASHI Staff February 1, 2012

One way the Southern New England Chapter kept members involved during the down economy was to schedule group mock inspections designed to encourage sharing ideas and a cup of coffee with fellow inspectors. Three were held last year. Brian Dunbar, last year’s Education chair, described the first as “a real bonanza.” Fifteen inspectors looked at a 1930s home that was being totally remodeled. Dunbar reported the inspectors could only shake their heads wondering how a building inspector had approved the way the new framing was integrated with the existing framing.

SNEC members inspect a 1930s home in the midst of a remodel.

The second home was built in the 1970s and had been empty for two years. It had typical issues for a house of that age, plus plenty of termites living behind the sheetrock and paneling. The inspectors shared suggestions for looking for bug damage in the sheetrocked walls on the second floor. According to Dunbar, it proved to be a real eye-opener regarding what to look for in homes with newly painted walls.

The last mock inspection was done December 9, after the Halloween snowstorm that had crippled this area. The home belonged to a member’s parents. Dunbar said, “It was something to see because it had some serious roof structural damage that was not so easy to understand at first look. The snow we got last year has taken down complete buildings, and tested many of the aging homes we have here in New England.”

Front row, kneeling: Cary O’Neil, in front of his parent’s home, which was used for a mock inspection. Chapter members, l to r: Mark Roy, Richard Hall, Margaret Conable, Jim Quarello, Bob Canavan, Jack Perruccio, Brian Dunbar, Bill Stanley, Ellery Kington, Kevin Lawler, Roger Villa

Upon arriving at the home, the inspectors noticed a sag in the roofline and a bowing out at the front porch. A trip to the attic revealed that collar-ties had been installed all along the rafters as an emergency fix. It turned out there was a 2-foot knee wall holding up the front rafters, and it hadn’t been diagonally braced. The consensus of opinion was that it needed total engineering and removal to repair the roof assembly.

The mock inspections have been a success, keeping members involved with the chapter, interested in hearing what others see and how they would report it, and adding to their education credits.

Submitted by Brian Dunbar, SNEC president.

North Carolina Members Named Master Inspectors by Review


John Woodmansee and Gary Gentry (pictured in the photo at above) are the latest members of the North Carolina Chapter to be recognized as Master Inspectors by Review™ (MIBR™).
Chapter members earn that designation by achieving the following:

1. Previously earned the designation Inspector by Review® (IBR™).

2. Is and has been a chapter member in good standing continuously for five years.

3. Has attended two or more ASHI or North Carolina Chapter educational seminars/sessions per year for five years.

4. Must have served for a minimum of three years in one or a combination of the following leadership positions: chapter committees, chapter officer or a special interest, home inspection-related group that promotes the chapter.

The purpose of the NC ASHI® Peer Review is to educate chapter members. The process gives chapter members an opportunity to be reviewed on their inspection abilities and techniques by a panel of their peers, and provides a setting for members to discuss their inspection procedures and techniques with other knowledgeable inspectors in a congenial, non-threatening environment. It also gives members a means to improve their inspection skills and become further involved in chapter activities. Success of the Peer Review program relies heavily on the involvement and participation of members who have successfully participated in it.

The North Carolina Chapter has been conducting Peer Reviews twice a year since 2006. The Peer Review Procedures, terms Inspector by Review® (IBR™) and Master Inspector by Review™ (MIBR™) are used with permission of a license agreement with the ASHI Great Lakes Chapter. Since beginning the program, the chapter has awarded eight Inspector by Review® (IBR™) designations and now two Master Inspector by Review™ (MIBR™) designations. A special thanks to the Great Lakes Chapter and GLC Peer Review Chair David Bunker for his ongoing assistance with this valuable educational tool. Chapters interested in information on the Peer Review Program are welcome to contact Andy Hilton at

Submitted by Andy Hilton, NC ASHI Peer Review chair.

Discount for New Chapter Members

It’s simple and effective. Go to the Chapter Recruitment Tools page on and download the $30 coupon. New chapter members can use it to discount their first year’s chapter dues. The chapter is reimbursed when it submits the coupon to HQ.

Questions? Contact Russell Daniels, or 847-954-3185.

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