Social Media Update
Here’s a snapshot of what ASHI has been doing lately to influence consumers and real estate professionals about the importance of home inspections and hiring an ASHI member.
Official ASHI LinkedIn for ASHI Members only
- Would you like some input from other home inspectors when you’re getting ready to buy a new camera?
- Would you have liked to network with other multi-inspector company owners at InspectionWorld?
- Would a discussion about attic moisture be of interest?
If any of these or similar topics appeal to you, join the 896 other home inspectors in ASHI’s Official LinkedIn group. The discussions highlighted here received from 10 to 47 comments, and they are just three of many the group have going. An icon on ASHI’s home page links to the group. Staff quickly responds to requests to join. Once approved, you may add to the ongoing discussions, begin a new one or sit back and read what others have to say. Take advantage of the networking available to you as an ASHI member.
- Currently, there are 1,429 people following @ashi_inspection.
- Looking for content? Follow ASHI on Twitter and retweet to your Twitter stream.
- Popular tweets included an article about home inspectors in the Chicago Tribune (see bottom of page) and an article about how “picky” home inspectors help homebuyers.
- InspectionWorld Las Vegas news was featured with the tag #IW2013.
Loden not viral yet …
Bill Loden’s video on ASHI’s YouTube channel hasn’t gone viral, but it has topped 100 views. The current president-elect has some important things to say about home safety — advice worth sharing.
Fan talk
ASHI’s fans are talking on Facebook. Here are a couple of recent posts from two of 1,338 fans.
Steve Gaudet shared a safety message:
“Proper inspection of the pressure relief valve on your hot water tank. I see more than 20 of these a year, missed by
plumbers and home inspectors.” (
Faith McSweeney Greenwell used the fan page to let home inspectors know U.S. Inspect was conducting interviews in Las Vegas during the InspectionWorld time frame. U.S. Inspect is hiring in several markets across the country and conducting interviews January 14-17 in Las Vegas. Contact for more information. Hopefully, interested ASHI members who were attending InspectionWorld found the interview location convenient.
ASHI welcomes shares
ASHI posts frequently on the fan page. The funny photos always get plenty of shares, but links to articles such as “Seven Questions to Ask Your Home Inspector” are also popular. Occasionally, someone asks for home inspectors’ opinions. Members are encouraged to comment, like and share. Sharing promotes ASHI and provides you with content for your social media.
Featured in the Chicago Tribune
Jack McGraw, The ASHI School managing director, was pictured in the Real Estate section of the Chicago Tribune in the Sunday print and electronic editions. Past president Frank Lesh was mentioned in the article “Home inspectors see a house for what it really is.”
To Read the Full Article
ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
In this Issue
Professional Networking
Grow your professional network, find a mentor, network with the best, and best part of the community that’s making home inspection better every day.