Social Media By the Numbers
With the Pubic Relations Committee taking the lead, ASHI has embraced social media as a way to promote itself and its members and to encourage communication between those who belong to the society. Through Facebook and Twitter, ASHI reaches out to the public, real estate industry and unaligned home inspectors. Members are encouraged to retweet, share and follow as part of their personal marketing plans. The member-only Linked-In Group encourages inspectors to network and discuss ASHI-related issues. Here are a few highlights from all three (but the intent is to encourage you to click on the icons on the ASHI home page and join in):
- 706 is our fan count (number of people who “like” our page).
- Most often, our internal audience lands on the ASHI Fan page (when logged onto Facebook) via the search option.
- is what most of the external audience uses to reach the ASHI fan page.
Read the 56 comments for the discussion “I would like to see an advanced membership category” and add your own. Or start a new discussion for the 560 ASHI members who have signed onto the ASHI Membership Group (Official).
Popular Tweets
The most popular tweets get up to 45 clicks. Here’s a sample:
- Learn more about #home inspections and uncover some common findings with ASHI’s Virtual H … - @KJRH2HD says owners of residences built during the housing boom are finding their #home … - The US CPSC @OnSafety completed a study on problem drywall. Read more about the finding …
- US @Energy announced new efficiency standards for #home HVAC units. Stay informed, stay s …
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Marston Teams up With ASHI Presidents to Promote ASHI
During the month of November, an article featuring then ASHI President Kurt Salomon and Reggie Marston, ACI, appeared in more than 15 publications. Two titles were used for the same article by Erik Martin: “The Inspection Situation” and “A market with properties both vacant and in varying states of disrepair puts further focus on the need for home inspections.”
Both Marston and Salomon were quoted, Salomon as follows:
“The purpose of a home inspection is not to assemble a list of normal wear and tear or cosmetic items, but to identify the home’s most pressing problems to be addressed in an effort to save the buyer money in the long run,” says Salomon. “Even if the seller is not going to fix or compensate the buyer for problems revealed in a home inspection, the buyer will still benefit from having the knowledge of defective or unsafe components and systems.”
The author concluded:
“According to a recent poll conducted by ASHI, nearly 90 percent of all American home-owners surveyed believe home inspections are a necessity, not a luxury; 72 percent of respondents agree the home inspection they had when they purchased their current primary residence helped them avoid potential problems with their home, and 64 percent indicated they saved a lot of money in the long run as a result of their home inspection.”
Marston has continued to work with ASHI leadership to promote ASHI — the next time was over the airwaves.
In January, he arranged to interview the current ASHI president, Marvin Goldstein, for his radio show, The House P. I. He had been doing a local show heard throughout Northern Virginia that included interviews with Past-President Bill Richardson and ASHI members including Greg Caudill and Mike Stephens.
The interview with Goldstein was for his recently nationally syndicated show through IRN/USA syndication, Beginning January 1, 2012, it has been heard coast to coast, Sundays 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM.
“What’s nice is it’s national,” Marston said, “so I’ll be able to include more ASHI members from around the country. I’ve talked with Dave Rushton and Fernando Barrientos about recording an interview about electrical issues home inspectors find around the house.”
In addition to his broadcasting activities, Marston is president of Residential Equity Management Home Inspections, LLC, in Springfield, Va.
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ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
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