Whoops! Who moved the house?
Bill Camosci
National Property Inspections of Central CT, Inc.
Cromwell, Conn.
Now, that really is a throne
Basement toilet seat is approximately 48” above the floor. Hand rails are recommended.
Steve Anderson
Anderson AmeriSpec
Germantown, Tenn.
Ribbit, ribbit
Try as I might, I haven’t been able to find a reference for frogs in the NEC.
Bryant Warren
HouseMaster Inspections
Broken Arrow, Okla.
If you tilt your head, it looks fine
The real surprising thing about this garage was that they were still using it!
Rich Madore
Pillar To Post Home Inspections
Newington, Conn.
Coming down short
Fine downspout!
David Grudzinski
Advantage Home Inspections
Cranston, R.I.
Upside-down roofing
Rolled asphalt roofing installed upside down. Shingle used as flashing?
John Gutierrez
Hometch NJ Inspection Services, LLC
North Arlington, N.J.
So, is the cottage cheese container holding up the shelf or is the the shelf holding the cottage cheese container tight so sewer gas does not escape? Or is it both?
Dan Howard
Home Inspections by Dan Howard
Freeport, Pa.
Ranger Rick
Found: Ranger Rick. Watch it out there, guys and gals. This one wasn’t happy. …
Dan Gartrell
Homestar Real Estate Services, Inc.
Gainesville, Va.
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