Ron Passaro #1
ASHI Certified Inspector Jay Balin called on the 12th of June to remind me of the six-month milestone of my presidency. Man, does time fly! (I could have added, “When you’re having fun,” but that wouldn’t be entirely true). He asked if I had had time to reflect on the first half of my term. I replied that I’d have to think about it. Little did I know that the next day ASHI’s course was going to change.
As you read this, you’re probably aware that Rob Paterkiewicz resigned June 13. After twelve years of dedicated service, he’s decided to continue his career path with another organization. He said it best in his letter to the general membership:
To all:
I have recently announced my resignation from ASHI as its Executive Director. My final day in this position will be Friday, August 10, 2007. I will be serving as the executive director for a trade association in the Chicago area starting later in August.
Much has changed in the 12 years that I have worked here. Our membership has grown from under 4,000 to a high of over 6,800 at the end of last year. Our operating budget increased from $1.5 million to $3.5 million. Inspector regulation expanded from one or two states to over 30 today. Heck, a gallon of gas was only $1.25! The profession of home inspection has continued its expansion and has gained tremendous positive notice by the media, government agencies, home buyers and sellers, and many other companies and populations that wouldn’t have thought twice about it previously. There is much for all of us to be proud of.
The time has come, however, for me to move on. I leave with the hope that you will enjoy many years of prosperous success. I’m proud of my work here
and especially proud to have labored, shoulder-to-shoulder, with some of the most dedicated staff and volunteers that I have ever worked with.
Thank you for your support, encouragement and feedback over my years with you.
Rob Paterkiewicz
Join me in wishing Rob the best.
Many of you may not have known any other executive director of ASHI and wonder how we’ll manage to get along without Rob. At a time like this, it’s difficult to see that the only constant in life is change. While change may not be pleasant to most people, it doesn’t have to be tumultuous.
This is where Ron Passaro comes in. In the spring of 1993, ASHI had come to a crossroads in regard to staff operations. Prior to that, we had used the services of a professional management group to run the daily business of our organization. The volunteer leaders of ASHI, led by Ron, formed a transition team to hire our own staff and relocate HQ to the Chicago area.
Lon Grossman and Barry Prentice were selected as co-chairs of the Site Selection Committee. They, in turn, chose Dwight Barnett, Kevin Doyle, Jamie Dunsing, Brent Harless, Dick Routson and me to round out the team. After selecting Arlington Heights, Ill., as the temporary office, and contracting with Susan Duda, of SDR Associates, project management & planning consultants, we called on members of the Great Lakes Chapter to man the office until we could get paid personnel up to speed.
I believe somewhere at ASHI HQ in Des Plaines I once saw a plaque with the names of Avena Corbett, John Cox (from Ill.), Don Dean, Jim Duesenberg, Jamie Dunsing, Ron Ewald, Jack Fehlandt, Len Frankowiak, Brent Harless, Ron Koval, Bob Lubecker, David Mahnke, Dario Martinez, Kurt Mitenbuler, Al Meyer, Don Nelson, Dick Newman, Al Nichols, Clyde Pfeil, Mike Prestidge, Craig Rennack and Dan Smits, thanking them for volunteering their time from August 2 to September 9, 1993, to help our organization get through a challenging transition.
Through Ron’s leadership, ASHI steered a course through a difficult period, much more challenging than what we face now. But the one thing that has not changed is the support I’ve received not only from current and past national directors, but guys from the ‘93 transition team and our always-sage past-presidents. My first six months have been made a lot easier with the help from the best in the business. That’s one constant I’m sure will be with me for the next six months. Thanks for leading the way, Ron.
ASHI President’s Podcast
To view Frank Lesh’s podcast, log in as a member on, then go to:
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ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
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