Helping a new inspector find his way
A couple of months ago, a home inspector from California sent me an e-mail. He was interested in exploring what resources might be available to him as he built his business. He provided his phone number, so I called him.
This inspector said he had worked in home construction for four years and was new to the home inspection profession. The market is slow where he lives, so he took a home inspection course at a local technical college. He wasn’t promised to become a millionaire, but was told there is real promise in the profession if he would work at it.
Since he was looking for business resources, I asked him if he was aware of ASHI, and he said he’d found my name on our website. Based on my title, Speaker of the Council of Representatives, he concluded I might be a good source of information.
We talked for more than hour about home inspection publications, places to go on the Internet for answers and how to reach out to fellow area inspectors. He had called a home inspector in his hometown, but received a very cold response.
As we talked, I introduced to him ASHI and the wonderful resources offered through the association, including the members’ forum where question after question can be asked and answered by some of the experts within our profession. I explained ASHI members are there to assist each other and, although we are many, we really are one. I also mentioned other resources such as “The Inspector’s Journal,” a great website, and JLC and IAEI publications. I told him some chapters provide Candidate Corners, where newer inspectors are taught the basics of inspections. I explained chapters put on excellent periodic training sessions for members and non-members. Chapters are a great source of camaraderie where new and experience inspectors can come together and share experiences. Of course, I told him of InspectionWorld and of the educational benefits that fit the needs of all home inspectors, with novice basic educational tracks to advanced tracks that assist in the operational aspects of conducting and maintaining a successful home inspection business.
Finally, I referred him to the San Diego ASHI Chapter and Council member Dennis Parr. I asked this inspector to feel free to contact me any time with any question. I told him I may not know all the answers, but the resource of fellow ASHI members would. I believe any of my fellow inspectors would have assisted this inspector as I did. As new inspectors enter this profession, it is incumbent on us to provide our experience and knowledge and be the resource they so desperately need.
P.S. The inspector called me last week. He went to a chapter meeting, joined ASHI and the chapter and feels welcomed. He also plans to come to InspectionWorld in Atlanta. I told him I would be honored to meet him in person.
Howard Pegelow is the 2009-10 speaker for the Council of Representatives.
Contact Info for 2010 CoR Speaker and Group Leaders
Howard Pegelow, Speaker
Bob Walstead, Alternate Speaker
Glenn Gogal, New England/Canada Group Leader, 416-604-1280
Jerry Sanangini, New York/New Jersey Group Leader
Bob Sisson, Mid-Atlantic Group Leader
Ed Massart, Midwest Group Leader
Keven Kossler, South Atlantic Group Leader
Phil Smith, Gulf Group Leader
John Clason, South Midwest Group Leader
John Biegalski, North Central Group Leader
Alan Blaker, Mountain Group Leader
Skip Walker, Pacific Group Leader
Lisa Alajajian-Giroux, Council Secretary
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ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
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