Residential Wood Deck and Balcony Inspection Manual Available
Published by the North American Deck and Railing Association, in cooperation with the International Code Council (ICC), the “Manual for the Inspection of Residential Wood Decks and Balconies” is intended
for use by home inspectors, renovation contractors, consulting engineers, homebuilders and building code officials interested in the inspection of wood decks built with conventional framing lumber.
It includes information in four categories:
Preparation for inspection
What to look for
To order the manual, phone or fax NADRA at 888-623-7248, or visit
National Association of Home Builders offers free consumer publication
From a country cottage to a suburban Arts and Crafts-style bungalow, and from pre-assembled wall panels to an entire structure, panelized construction provides a cost-effective, resource-efficient alternative to traditional home construction methods.
Now, homebuyers interested in learning more about the advantages of panelized homes have a new resource. Panelized Homes: Custom Designs, Your Building Solution is a free publication available from the Building Systems Councils of the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB).
The full-color, 12-page booklet introduces consumers to energy- and resource-efficient panelized home building, highlighting features and benefits and offering tips for choosing the right type of panelized home.
There are several types of systems to choose from, but each begins by constructing the home’s essential structural components in a climate-controlled, offsite facility. Once completed, the panels are carefully loaded onto trucks for delivery to the home site.
Some home panel packages contain just the structural components of the home, while others include everything from the windows and doors to siding, paint and even appliances.
For information on panelized homes, order a copy of Panelized Homes: Custom Designs, Your Building Solution today. Request it online at
NIBS sells Guide Specifications for Reducing Lead-Based Paint Hazards
This technical guidance document provides building owners and their representatives guidance in purchasing services for reducing lead-based paint (LBP) hazards. It addresses LBP inspection, risk assessment, interim controls and abatement of LBP in buildings in the context of a stand-alone project and as part of a larger renovation project. This document contains advice and guidance on the development of specifications and technical information on LBP hazard reduction, and presents users with a range of choices and guidance for applying the guide specification to specific project conditions. It conforms to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Guidelines for The Evaluation and Control of Lead-Based Paint Hazards in Housing, current Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations and guidance documents, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations and other federal regulations and guidance documents affecting LBP hazard reduction.
The Guide Specifications address state regulations by example and provide guidance on how to find specific state regulations. This document also is available in electronic format on compact disc (CD) for use on MS-DOS/Windows-based computers in WordPerfect, Microsoft Word and ASCII text formats. CDs are not sold separately.
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