Report Out from the October 19-20, 2012 ASHI Board of Directors Meeting

by Jeff Arnold December 1, 2012

This is a report to the ASHI membership of the actions taken during the meeting. It is not the official minutes as discussion items and withdrawn or failed motions are not included. The official minutes of this meeting will be presented for Board approval at its next meeting on January 15, 2013, in Las Vegas, Nev.

Members are encouraged to review the report in order to be fully informed of actions taken on their behalf. They also are encouraged to contact ASHI officers and directors with their questions.

See the online member directory or the ASHI Reporter, Page 4, for contact information.


Photo above: A scene from the ASHI Board meeting.

The following motions were passed.

• The appointment by President-elect Bill Jacques of the following 2013 Committee chairs:

Bylaws: Frank Lesh
Chapter Relations: Ken Harrington
Certification: Jim Hemsel
CACC: Manass Hochstetler
IW Education: Rod Beacham
Ethics: Jamison Brown
Legislative: TBD/State;
Don Lovering/Federal
Membership: David Goldstein
Officers Nominating: Marvin Goldstein
Public Relations: Dave Haught
Standards: Bruce Barker
Technical Review: Jim Katen

• The appointment by President-elect Bill Jacques of the following directors to the AEI Board:

Tim Buehl, JD Grewell and Keven Kossler

• The appointment by President Marvin Goldstein and Council Speaker Bob Walstead of the following Election Committee members:

Larry Hoytt, Jay Balin, John Wenger and Miki Mertz

• The Membership Committee will provide the Board within 45 days the specific changes required in the Bylaws and in the ASHI Policy and Procedures to replace the current Associate with Logo Use member category with an ASHI Inspector category and its revised qualifications.

• The annual dues for an Allied Professional member is $100, but an ASHI logo was deleted from the list of membership benefits in the P&P manual.

• The Technical Review Committee will develop a white paper documenting ASHI’s official position on advocating the use of photoelectric smoke alarms in single- and multi-family housing and discouraging the use of ionization smoke alarms to be subject to legal review and approval of the Board at the January 2013 meeting.

The Board approved using, as needed, an online conferencing service; tuckpointing the ASHI headquarters building; and posting the matrices of officer candidates on the ASHI website within 10 days of the announcement of the slate. Matrices of those filing petitions will be added on their acceptance as candidates.

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