Report Out from the ASHI Board of Directors Meeting
From the July 28-29, 2012 ASHI Board of Directors Meeting
This is a report to the ASHI membership of the actions taken during the meeting. It is not the official minutes as discussion items and withdrawn or failed motions are not included. The official minutes of this meeting will be presented for Board approval at its next meeting on October 30, 2012, in Rosemont, Ill.
Members are encouraged to review the report in order to be fully informed of actions taken on their behalf. They are also encouraged to contact ASHI officers and directors with their questions.
See the online member directory for contact information.
The following motions were passed:
- Allocate the ASHI reserve fund into laddered Certificates of Deposit (CDs) (in three month increments) for a maximum of two years.
- Reallocate $10,000 from the volunteer travel budget to marketing.
- Have the ASHI School legally commit to the current practice of paying one-year ASHI membership dues for each fully paid student.
- Accept the recommendation of the Finance Committee to contract with Wolf & Company as ASHI’s accounting firm and auditor for a period of three years.
- Reallocate $8,000 of the Membership Value 2011/2012 budget line item to membership recruitment.
- Enter into an 11-month contract with PCI for public relations services November 1, 2012-September 30, 2013.
- Appoint a task force, chaired by Immediate past-president Kurt Salomon, and made up of the president-elect and three members selected by the president, to evaluate and report to the Board in October the role and duties of ex-officio Board members.
- Accept the Membership Committee’s report and send it to the Bylaws Committee, with the exception of the member/inspector category logo. The logo shall be redesigned and submitted to the Board for approval at the October ASHI Board Meeting.
- Accept the proposal to redesign
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ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
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