Renew Online Today

by Edited by ASHI Staff September 1, 2002

W hy wait? If you didn’t renew when you received your first dues notice last month, do it now. And do it the easy way…online.

Your dues dollars can be spent on better things than sending out second and third notices. So take advantage of the new, convenient dues-paying option. Go to, members only section, and when you sign in your dues-paying link will appear.

Recruitment drive gains momentum

With the immediate goal of 6,000 in sight, let’s keep the momentum going. Share the benefits of Membership with all the unaligned home inspectors you know. A stronger, larger organization benefits the profession, the individual home inspector and homebuyers. ASHI is on the way to 6,000 and beyond.

Getting ready to welcome you to Chicago

Who’s coming for Chapter Leadership Day in Chicago, October 25, 2002? Don’t miss this opportunity to participate in discussions about legislation, legal issues including chapter liability, public relations at the chapter level and more.  

Strong participation in Business Operations Survey

Approximately 26 percent of the Membership participated in this year’s Business Operations Survey. That’s about the same number of participants as the previous survey. Participants receive the Business Operations Study at a reduced price. Questions? Contact Russell Daniels at HQ (

New Orleans next stop for national NAR® expo

Come November, ASHI will again be passing out popcorn, demonstrating “Find An ASHI Inspector” on live-hook up, and taking advantage of every opportunity to educate real estate agents and brokers about home inspections and ASHI home inspectors. This year the NAR® national conference will be held in New Orleans. Local ASHI Members and Candidates are being asked to volunteer to work the exhibit on behalf of the Society.  

MRC claim forms mailed in August

Claim forms were mailed separately from dues notices. All who need
to report 20 MRCs by September 30, 2002 should have received a form in mid-August. Please do not send information unless you’ve received a form. Questions? Email

Chapter seminars are listed in First Thing and the Education Corner of the Reporter at no charge. Additional visibility can be achieved by purchasing an ad in the magazine.

ASHI calendar of events

• October 25, 2002, Chapter Leadership Day, Chicago, Ill.
• October 26, 2002, Board of Directors meeting, Chicago, Ill.
• January 15, 2003, Board of Directors meeting, Orlando, Fla.
• January 15-18, 2003 InspectionWorld, Orlando, Fla.

To Read the Full Article

ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..

Learn More About Membership »

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