Publisher shares praise for ASHI Member’s “My House Is Killing Me!”
“Asthma and allergy sufferers, this book is essential reading: it will answer all your questions about why you suffer in your home and what you can do to prevent it. May takes you on a tour of your home, both interior and exterior, with a detailed description of the organic and inorganic substances that are making you ill… Will serve for years to come as the definitive guide to establishing disease-free living environments.” – Library Journal
“Working with Jeff May has completely changed my attitude toward the impact of the indoor world on human illness. His work has allowed us to focus on the true sources of allergic disease—the microscopic organisms that the immune system must deal with every second we spend indoors. His advice profoundly benefits families with environmental sensitivity, including those with immunologic conditions beyond allergy and asthma.” – William J. Monafo, M.D., American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology
“Much as physicians cure sick persons, Mr. May and other indoor air quality professionals ‘cure’ sick homes and buildings. Unless the cause of illnesses arising from indoor allergens or other pollutants is effectively addressed, medical treatments may be extended unnecessarily or may even be ineffective. This book will be informative for those who think their health problems may be caused by their homes. Such problems can be frustrating to affected persons and to their health care providers, who are often unaware that the quality of indoor environments, is connected with health and disease.” – Jonathan M. Samet, M.D., Department of
Epidemiology, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Jeffrey C. May’s book, “My House Is Killing Me!”, is published by Johns Hopkins University Press, $16.95 paperback, $42.50 hardcover.
Fourth edition of popular guide bundled with free online income tax preparation and filing for total tax solution
Published by CCH Business Owner’s Toolkit (toolkit.cch), a small business portal that helps entrepreneurs start, run and grow a successful small business, CCH’s small business knowledge with its decades of authoritative tax law and tax preparation software expertise. The result is a resource entrepreneurs can use year-round to plan and manage their taxes as well as file their returns.
The fourth edition of the popular reference includes free income tax preparation and filing with CompleteTax™ (, CCH’s easy-to-use online tax return service. The 424-page soft-cover book, “CCH Business Owner’s Toolkit Tax Guide 2002” (ISBN 0-8080-0676-2) is available in major retail and online bookstores nationwide; via the CCH Business Owner’s Tookkit bookstore (toolkit.cch) or by calling 1-800-248-3248. It sells for $17.95, plus applicable shipping, handling and tax.
Housing groups use EPA as source for moisture, mold information
As reported in Inman News Features, Thursday, January 17, 2002, “The Washington, D.C.-based National Multi Housing Council (NMHC) and Alexandria, Va.-based National Apartment Association have published an operations and maintenance plan for mold and moisture control.” In the article entitled “Apartment housing groups publish moisture, mold action plan,” the plan is described as “based on techniques recommended by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).”
Concrete resources
The American Concrete Institute’s Website makes it easy to obtain current information about this widely used building material. You’ll find the following report addressing a specific issue, as well as the comprehensive books for the serious student, among documents available to be ordered online at
“Moisture Problems in Concrete Floors,” Pub. 2000, $18
If you have trouble with large blisters under vinyl sheet goods, adhesive oozing out of the flooring seams, loose or curled vinyl composite tile, or indoor air-quality problems caused by mildew and other micro-organisms then this report is for you. The analysis and prevention guide answers these questions and covers the following topics: floor moisture sources (mixing water isn’t the only one); effectiveness of capillary breaks; vapor retarders (not always a solution); effects of granular blotter courses between the vapor retarder and floor slab; test methods for determining concrete moisture condition before the flooring is placed; and failure prevention strategies.
“Properties of Concrete”
By A. Neville, Publisher: Longman, 1995, 844 pp. $115
The Fourth Edition has been completely rewritten and updated to reflect advances in concrete technology over the past decade, yet still retains the original aim: to provide reliable, comprehensive, and practical information on the properties and uses of concrete. The emphasis is on understanding the behavior of concrete and relating it to physical and chemical phenomena involved in the performance of the material in science.
“Reinforced Concrete Slabs”
By R. Park and W. L. Gamble, Published by: Jon Wiley & Sons, 2nd Edition, 2000, 726 pp. hard cover, $115
Written for structural engineers, architects, contractors, consultants and students, this second edition provides a comprehensive background on building code requirements and design procedures for slabs. New material includes computer optimization, the equivalent frame method, lateral load analysis, shear strength, serviceability, membrane action, and fire resistance.
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