Proper Use of the ASHI Logo

by Jennifer Gallegos November 1, 2018

In the past few months, ASHI Headquarters has received reports of some logo use violations, which raises the questions: Why do these complaints pop up? Why does someone violate the logo use policy? Are members doing this intentionally or do they not understand the rules and therefore not know how to be compliant?

To answer these questions, I’ll review ASHI’s logos, describe how to display them on your marketing materials and explain why using the incorrect logo or verbiage sends the wrong message.

ASHI has many logos including the ASHI corporate blue logo, the ASHI Member logo, the ASHI Inspector logo, the ASHI Certified Inspector logo and the Background Verified Inspector Logo. There are also specific logos for Affiliates of ASHI. 


Any inspector who joins ASHI becomes an Associate member and as approved by the ASHI Board in April 2016, Associate members have access to and can use the Member logo. This policy change has given the opportunity for new members to market themselves as an ASHI Associate member.

To use the ASHI Inspector or the ASHI Certified Inspector logo, members must complete prerequisites. For more information about these prerequisites, visit the ASHI website and view the “How to Move Up” information in the Members-Only tab. You can send questions about this process to

A specific logo is granted to the member who “moves up” in ASHI. Once a member meets all the requirements to achieve the status of ASHI Certified Inspector (that is, has performed 250 fee-paid full home inspections, has presented reports that have been verified to comply with the ASHI Standard of Practice and has passed the National Home Inspector Examination, the member will receive access to use the ACI logo and acronym.

This level is an actual certification. When a member reaches this level, ASHI Headquarters mails out a certificate to the member and other items to help the member promote themselves as an ASHI Certified Inspector (ACI). The certificate has a logo from the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA). NCCA has evaluated ASHI and its requirements for ASHI Certified Inspector, and has accredited ASHI. As ASHI meets the requirements to stay compliant with NCCA, members who want to achieve the ACI level must also complete all of ASHI’s requirements.

Completing this process takes time, but it’s the hard work to prepare for the National Home Inspector Examination (NHIE) that makes reaching ACI status so much more than just a certificate.

Inspectors should not use the ACI logo without earning it. When a potential client finds a home inspector who displays the gold ASHI logo that states “ASHI Certified Inspector,” it means something to the client. The client can be confident that this inspector has been certified and has completed requirements to obtain this certification. Many potential clients visit our website to find out what the certification means and some even call the membership department to verify a home inspector’s ACI status. Problems arise, however, when the member is not (or is no longer) an ASHI Certified Inspector because the ASHI Headquarters representative must try to explain why the person might be misusing the ACI logo. It can be a difficult conversation. In addition, misusing the ACI logo is unfair to members who have earned it and keep their certification status current.

Please use only the correct logo for your member status on your website and marketing tools. If you want to know which logos you can access, please visit the ASHI website and select the Members- Only tab. Select Downloads and Forms, and click on ASHI Logos. You can download the correct logo for you in different formats. If you have any questions, contact the membership department. 

Many web developers will set up your website with an ASHI logo, but often, they will use the incorrect logo. It is important for you to verify your logo by checking your account and communicating with your web developer about which logo to use. ASHI does not want its members to invest money in marketing materials that will have to be amended if the incorrect ASHI logo was used.

Only current ASHI members can use the logo and display their member number. So, if your membership has lapsed, but you are still using an ASHI logo or stating that you are an ASHI member, you are in violation of ASHI Policy, Section 13. (To view any section of or the entire Policy Manual, visit the ASHI website under Members-Only – Member Resources, Publications and Manuals.)

If you have any questions regarding logo use, how to download a logo or how to move up in ASHI, contact ASHI Membership (847-759-2820, email We are here to serve you!

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