
by Edited by ASHI Staff August 1, 2013

To the Editor:
Your op ed in the July Reporter really hit home.

Wouldn’t it be fantastic if every ASHI member wore an ASHI shirt with the ASHI Certified Inspector logo or the ASHI Experience logo? Unfortunately, there are probably many members that have never visited the ASHI Store to see what is available for purchase. I strongly recommend every member take the time and make the effort to show your professional interest and wear the clothing to promote our profession.
Those who have attended IW are aware of the choices of apparel and other items available to ASHI members at the ASHI Store.

Once you do begin to show your ASHI Pride, as our President Bill Jacques advised, you will probably be surprised by the shift in attitude from both your clients and the real estate agents when you arrive at an inspection site wearing an ASHI shirt or jacket. I proudly do and I also use the large ASHI magnetic logo for my vehicle. Both clients and agents have made favorable comments of appreciation. It works.

As Mr. Hawkins said in the July Reporter, make sure you look professional, act like a professional during the inspection, and do a professional job on the inspection.

Your credibility will be enhanced in ways you will probably not immediately recognize, however, you will very likely gain referrals and increase you inspection volume for a nominal cost.

JD Grewell, ACI
J.D. Grewell & Associates, Inc.
Silver Spring, MD

I am very pleased to see the reprint of the Lateral-Load Connections article. 

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