Price Honored by New England ASHI

by Edited by ASHI Staff June 1, 2006


After completing a presentation based on his book “Structural Aspects of Home Inspection,” Retired ASHI Member Sherman Price was granted “honorary membership” in the New England chapter in recognition of the ASHI report verifier’s recent move from New York to Massachusetts. As the Education Committee chair, Bob Mulloy had arranged for Price to speak at the chapter’s April meeting. He said the presentation was “well received. We are lucky to have him as a member of our Chapter as he has a wealth of knowledge and a quest to educate the new guys.” Photo: Education Committee chair, Bob Mulloy (left) and Retired ASHI Member Sherman Price (right).

Chapter networking Results in Education Discounts for ASHI Membership

Tom-Sherman.gif Tom Sherman, president of the Central New York Chapter, got the ball rolling when he shared his opinions about some training sessions with other chapter leaders. The end result was that ASHI was able to arrange a discount for the ASHI membership to all Affordable Comfort, Inc. seminars.  Photo: Tom Sherman

According to Sherman, “When I became a home inspector in 1998, I immediately joined ASHI as a Candidate, as I was told this was the best home inspection organization out there. I knew I could’ve joined any number of other groups that would’ve gladly “board certified” me with a wink, a nod (and a check, of course), but I chose the ASHI route, as, being a Marine, I wanted to be affiliated with the cream of the crop. That was one of the smartest decisions I could have made and I’ve never looked back. 

He said he learned of “another stellar organization, that of ACI (Affordable Comfort, Inc). This organization handles the training for the weatherization industry and for Building Performance Contractors, a specialized group of contractors who are highly trained in the workings of a house, and the components within a house, as a system.”

He said after attending several ACI training sessions, he “found this group to have the same level of standards that we, in ASHI, have sought out through the years.”
Sherman is president of Absolute Home Inspection, Inc., Syracuse, New York.

For specific seminars, see the ASHI MRC approved seminar list on the ASHI Web site. For information about ASHI’s discounted rates, contact Erin McCollum, ACI (Affordable Comfort, Inc.) Assistant Manager, Program Design & Development. Phone 724-627-5200, ext. 11, or e-mail

Chapter Publicizes Seminar With News Release About Mold

Taking advantage of a hot topic in Florida, the Suncoast Chapter issued the news release, “Mold, A Cause for Concern to Homebuyers,” to publicize its annual SunTech Conference, held April 28 in Tampa, Fla.

“Mold has become a major issue throughout the United States and particularly in the South in both residential and commercial construction,” the release stated. “Professional home inspectors do not escape from the homebuyers’ watchful eye of professionals they expect to be well versed on mold.”

The release announced the speakers and topics that would be covered during the four-day event, including a workshop on Building Science lead by best-selling author and dynamic speaker, Dr. Joseph Lstiburek. Lstiburek is known for his book “Joe’s Top Ten Dumb Things to Do in the South (or Why Southern Builders use Northern Builder Techniques).”

California Home Inspectors Roll Out the Red Carpet for ASHI Leaders   
ASHI welcomes 27 new Candidates at CREIA conference

The California Real Estate Inspection Association (CREIA) held its spring conference April 21-23 in San Jose. Joe Corsetto, ASHI president; Rob Paterkiewicz,  ASHI executive director; and Anthony Snyder, director of membership & marketing were in the exhibit hall promoting the benefits for CREIA members to also hold membership in ASHI.

We heard from many CREIA inspectors that the ASHI ‘Find an Inspector’ search mechanism has had a great impact on their business. CREIA is well known inside the state, but for individuals relocating to California from other states, the ASHI site provides them with an additional opportunity to be found and hired for an inspection.

CREIA-Show-April-2006-2.gif And more than just earning business for these new Candidates, a great many of them were eager to talk about the prestige that ASHI carries among real estate professionals and consumers. Others snapped up sample copies of the award-winning ASHI Reporter magazine or asked for information on creating new ASHI/CREIA Chapters, discussed ways to earn required MRCs, and discussed their thoughts on everything from state regulation to the new ASHI Standards of Practice. A total of 27 new Candidates joined during the show. Photo: ASHI President Joe Corsetto (left) welcomes a new ASHI Candidate Eduardo Mosqueda of Neward, Calif.

The April show marked the first time ASHI has exhibited at the CREIA show and it opens a new chapter in a relationship that goes back many years. In 2004, the ASHI Board approved an agreement that CREIA inspectors at the CCI (Certified CREIA Inspector) or MCI (Master CREIA Inspector) levels could join ASHI and go through the verification process. The two examinations would be waived. This agreement has allowed ASHI to expand its reach in California to nearly 400 members at Candidate, Member and C2 status. If you know of any CCI or MCI members in CREIA who are considering membership in ASHI, please ask them to contact Anthony Snyder at or 847-954-3178.

In addition, ASHI and CREIA have agreed to partner for InspectionWorld California, held January 10-13, 2007, at the Disneyland Hotel in Anaheim. The partnership will allow the opportunity for some joint marketing of the event and boost overall attendance. To read the latest about InspectionWorld, visit

Great Lakes Chapter Spring Seminar Photos


Photo: GLC Chapter members at dinner


Photo: Tim Hosey presented a session on how to read people


Photo: GLC Chapter President Howard Pegelow


Photo: Bill MacAuliffe presenting a
session on roofing

Thank you to GLC Member Don Nelson for providing photos.

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