President and Board Visit a Georgia Peach

by Stephen M. Gladstone September 1, 2004

Thank you, Atlanta, Georgia and the Georgia Chapter of ASHI for hosting our visit. We enjoyed your hospitality. Our traveling summer board meeting was nicely attended, and our Georgia inspectors were well-represented. As you know, each year we try to take the Board of Directors meeting to a location where more of the Membership can participate in it and in a Leadership program and Town Hall get-together. This year it was great to get feedback and help from a very active Chapter. Input to the Board from the chapter members was terrific. It helped the Board get a sense of their attitudes and feelings toward many issues, including The ASHI Experience.

We met at the Marietta Hotel and Resort, located on a beautiful golf course with a nice pool, and as your president, I managed to fill the Board’s days and evenings with so many meetings that the only view most of us had of the golf course was from our windows. The Chapter, however, did invite us to visit the Laser Light show at Stone Mountain on our last night; many thanks to Tore Knos and Shannon Cory for ferrying us around and giving us a history tour of Georgia. The laser show, the monument and the fireworks were great. The southern hospitality was greatly appreciated after a very demanding board meeting.

The Directors and Officers should be applauded for all their hard work as they put in well over 24 hours of marathon meetings trying to set our projects and meet our goals for the year. Being part of the working administrative end of this Society is quite a challenge, and these fine people deserve your praise. They toiled over budgets and strategic pro-grams, and they made hard decisions on dues and programs. When the smoke settled, we all could be proud of the direction the Society is trying to achieve for the next few years.

Our progress will, of course, depend on all of you, beginning with the renewal of your dues. There was a sheet of paper included with this year’s dues notice listing highlights of ASHI’s public relations program. During the past few months, the ASHI brand of home inspection was put in front of millions of viewers,
listeners and readers. This is just one of the benefits we all received as Members and Candidates. During the town hall gathering in Georgia, we heard how the brand is working for many of you. Recognition, marketing, education, camaraderie —these are just a few of the things we re-ceive in exchange for paying our dues and belonging to this organization. It was evident at this year’s townhall meeting.

I hope you will choose to attend one of these summer traveling board meetings one year and come to our town meetings. And just another reminder: I hope you are thinking about attending our end-of-the-year InspectionWorld in Austin, Texas,
in 2005.

Best regards, ya’ll.

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