postcards from the field

by Edited by ASHI Staff June 1, 2013

Around the Bend

Creative installation of water heater vent pipe
to the chimney.

Dan Schaedler
Professional Opinion Home Inspection
East Aurora, NY


You Put Your Left Flue in, You Put
Your Left Flue Out . . .

One mason said to the other, did you notice the window?
No, but I did notice the roof’s overhang.
Banks Garrison
Tri-Cities Pro Home Inspections, LLC, Abingdon, VA


It’s raining outside!
Just patch it from the inside.

Martin Newmark
Abacus Inspection Service
Louisville, CO


Seeing Is Believing
A gas fireplace
was still venting into this flue!  

Rick Hiddemen

Delaware Property Inspection
Wilmington DE

Crank Up the Fire
This is actually a working crank to the inside of this shaft. it is a damper control.

David Grudzinski
Advantage Home Inspections
Cranston, R.I.


Shocking Shower
Wonder what the warning label on the electric water pump for the shower wand read…“don’t pull power from the light fixture”?

David Maudlin
Indy Pro Inspection Service, Inc.
Carmel, IN


Paving the Way

This kitchen/laundry addition did not show on the property appraisers survey.  Could it be because of the landscape pavers that were used to create the foundation?

Geoff Clark
Thompson and Bender Inspection
St Petersburg, FL


Appetizer, Salad, & Entree!
Squirrel-damaged lead flashings at plumbing vent pipes. Most asked question: Do the squirrels die?

Gordon C.

Guffey, Brewer Inspection Services, Inc.
Arnold, MO


Refreshing Filter Holder

Honey, where did you put my drink to cool?

Alvin C. Miller
Hawkeye Home Inspections, LLC
Wellman, IA

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Adventures in Hosiery, Episode #37
The all-in-one air purification, clothes dryer and humidification device.

John Ciambello
C&S Inspections
Colorado Springs, CO

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Just Passing Through
This image reminds  us of the old video game “Centipede.”
John Astl
Home Inspection Services, INC.

Tampa, FL

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