Postcards From The Field
It's Wacky Out There!
January 1, 2022

To submit a postcard from the field send your photo, caption, name, city and state to:

Sparky, I think we need a bigger box.Jim Foss | Best Inspection | Anchorage, AK

A little of this, a little of that should do it.Jim Foss | Best Inspection | Anchorage, AK

As opposed to non-poison gas?James Brock | Boston Home Inspectors | South Boston, MA

Unhinged.James Brock | Boston Home Inspectors | South Boston, MA E

What can we do with these leftover parts?Jeremy Provan | Pro Vantage Home Inspections | Dayton, MD

Just to be safe, let’s move this light out of the way.Jeremy Provan | Pro Vantage Home Inspections | Dayton, MD

This polypropylene lattice should work.Frank Lesh | Home Sweet Home Inspection Company | La Grange, IL

Even if we lose power, we have a backup generator.Jeremy Provan | Pro Vantage Home Inspections | Dayton, MD

Deleted scene from The Matrix?James Brock | Boston Home Inspectors | South Boston, MA

Just coat with FlexSeal.James Brock | Boston Home Inspectors | South Boston, MA

Not sure why you didn’t test ALL of the outletsJames Brock | Boston Home Inspectors | South Boston, MA
To Read the Full Article
ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
In this Issue
Body Cams and Home Inspectors: A New Application
Recently, a real estate agent representing a former mutual client contacted Jon Bolton of The Inspectagator in Florida, claiming his team had “ruined” the client’s gutters. The agent sent a photograph of a dent in the gutters with a demand that the inspection company pay to install new ones.
10 Questions New Home Inspectors Should Ask
Home inspecting is a tough field. Stand behind what you know—and if you don’t know, go on and learn it. Have a network of people, and don’t be afraid to ask questions.
Just Flush
Toilets and the entire plumbing, waste, and vent system are important parts of a home inspection. Home inspectors must always look for loose, leaking, or poor-flushing toilets.
GFCI and AFCI Devices Revisited
Following up on a number of emails regarding my original article around GFCI and AFCI devices in the November issue, expanded and corrected information follows.
Reintroducing the Discussion Forum
The ASHI membership comprises many insightful inspectors: those new to our profession and those who’ve been inspecting homes for years. In my time in the association, ASHI members' eagerness to continually learn and improve as professionals always stood out.
Professional Networking
Grow your professional network, find a mentor, network with the best, and best part of the community that’s making home inspection better every day.