Postcards From The Field
It’s Wacky Out There!

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Not sure how it works, but it was pretty close. Jameson Malgeri | Another Level Inspections LLC | Gloucester, MA

Selling point: Cheap electric bill. Adam Weber | Inside and Out Home Inspections, LLC | Denver, PA

Why is there floor bounce? Seems to be fully supported!? Jerry R. Woznyj | JRW Property Inspection and Consulting LLC | Chicago, IL

Why is there floor bounce? Seems to be fully supported!? Jerry R. Woznyj | JRW Property Inspection and Consulting LLC | Chicago, IL

Who needs a plumber? Mike Sheely | Mike Sheely Home Inspections | Enola, PA

OSHA-approved? James Brock | Boston Home Inspectors | South Boston, MA

If the one on the left stop the bugs The one on the right will! Brian Derewicz | Realistic Home Inspection Services, Inc. | Port Washington, WI

Apprentice vs.Journeyman Brian Derewicz | Realistic Home Inspection Services, Inc. | Port Washington, WI

I don’t think there appears to be signs of microbial growth here Brian Derewicz | Realistic Home Inspection Services, Inc. | Port Washington, WI.

Nothing a little duct tape can’t fix. Matthew Steger |
WIN Home Inspection | Elizabethtown, Lancaster, PA
WIN Home Inspection | Elizabethtown, Lancaster, PA

Here a patch, there a patch, everywhere a patch patch. James Brock | Boston Home Inspectors | South Boston, MA
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