Postcards From The Field

It’s Wacky Out There!

by ASHI Staff December 1, 2020

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“Wood” you like a lemon with those wedges? James Brock| Boston Home Inspectors | South Boston, MA
An oldie, but a goodie… except for the double tap Charlie Drazetic | Blackhawk Home Inspection | Kirtland, OH
Sometimes, you just need a little (l)edge James Brock| Boston Home Inspectors | South Boston, MA
Y’know, those neutrals are not stranded…and what’s that black wire doing in there? Jim Foss | Best Inspection, Inc. | Anchorage, AK
This is not what “going green” means. Alvin Miller | Hawkeye Home Inspections LLC | Iowa City, IA
How many flushes did it take for the magic marker to get that far? Brittany Staie | Scott Home Inspection | Fort Collins, CO
Rustic generator connection. Jim Foss | Best Inspection, Inc. | Anchorage, AK
Plumber must be a bassoon player on the weekends. Jim Foss | Best Inspection, Inc. | Anchorage, AK
These electric safety eyes are for the birds. Bill Srock | Wolverine Home & Property Inspections | Prescott Valley, AZ
You’ve heard of hand warmers in the winter. These are hand coolers for the summer. James Brock| Boston Home Inspectors | South Boston, MA
Why would you ever need to shut off the power anyway? Lawrence Transue | BPG Inspections |Easton, PA
DIY heat recovery system for water heaters Clay Ridings | Preferred Home Inspections | Delaware County, PA

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