Position Statement Revised
At its April meeting, the ASHI Board of Directors approved a revision to ASHI’s Position Statement on Regulation of Home Inspectors, recommended by the Legislative Committee to emphasize that a strong Code of Ethics is just as important as a strong Standards of Practice in any legislation that claims to protect the public. ASHI now reccomends that “Government regulations must include ethical standards.”
The committee will grade Kentucky, the twenty-eighth and latest state to regulate inspectors, and it will revisit regulations in 27 states to see if any changes in rules or regulations warrant changes in the grades. The revised Position Statement on Regulation of Home Inspectors will be available at the end of this month.
ASHI exhibits at NCSL
Once again, ASHI will exhibit at the National Conference of State Legislators annual show in Salt Lake City, July 20-25. Members of the Legislative Committee will network with more than 6,000 state legislators, staffers and lobbyists, and will distribute the Position Statement. This is the place to be to influence the movers and shakers in state politics. Last year, ASHI put hundreds of Position Statements in the hands of key legislators and shared the contacts we made with the chapters. Our goal is to make ASHI known to legislators as the private sector source for all information pertinent to the regulation of home inspectors. By doing so, lawmakers and others interested in regulating inspectors will come to know that any efforts to protect consumers and to improve the profession can succeed only with the active participation of the ASHI membership.
Updates on key bills making their way through sessions
Alaska Bill 555 The bill is dead, as the Alaska Legislature has adjourned for the year.
HB 418 was amended by the Finance Committee, changing the reimbursement rate to $15,000. The amendment also specified conditions under which a general contractor and home inspector applicant may be exempt from filing for surety deposits. It was passed by the Senate, and the House concurred. It has been sent to the governor for signature. He has 20 days to sign or veto the bill. If he does not act in those 20 days, the bill automatically becomes law.
Florida S 1120 The bill is dead, as the Florida Legislature has adjourned for the year.
Kansas HB 2100 The bill, last updated in March, is dead.
Louisiana HB 1430 As reported earlier, Representative Bruneau introduced HB 1430 regarding civil actions against home inspectors. On May 3, it passed the House by a vote of 101-0. The bill then was referred to the Senate. On May 6, HB 1430 was referred to the Senate Judiciary Committee. On May 25, the Senate Committee amended it and, reported it favorably out of Committee. HB 1430 was referred to the Legislative Bureau, which reported the bill out without amendments. On May 27, it passed a third reading and was listed on the Senate Daily Calendar for consideration.
Minnesota SF 2442 The bill is dead, as the Minnesota Legislature has adjourned for the year.
SF 2248 The bill is dead.
New Jersey A 2519 As we have reported, this bill is yet another attempt to gut New Jersey’s law by effectively delaying licensing for another 18 months. On May 24, it was substituted by S 1467.
S 1467 On May 10, the Senate Commerce Committee reported S 1467 out of committee with an amendment. On May 20, it was passed by the Senate by a vote of 33 to 1 and was referred to the Assembly, where it received its second reading. On May 24, this bill was substituted for its Assembly companion bill, A2519, and was passed by the Assembly by a vote of 73 to 4. Now, the bill goes to the governor for consideration.
Pennsylvania SB 427 On March 23, SB 427 received a first reading in the House. However, the bill was tabled, meaning the debate and vote on the bill were postponed. On May 10, it was removed from the table and was re-referred to the House Appropriations Committee. On May 24, SB 427 was re-reported as committed by the House Appropriations Committee.
Tennessee SB 2731/ HB 2914 and SB 2731/ HB 2914, licensing bills, all are officially dead.
State Sessions Adjourned
Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming.
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