Position Statement Revised; States Re-Graded

by Bob Kociolek July 1, 2003

At its April meeting the Board of Directors approved revisions to ASHI’s Position Statement on Regulation of Home Inspectors. ASHI’s Legislative Committee (LGC) changed the experience requirements to recommend a range of 25 to 100 supervised training inspections, and set a bar of a minimum of 80 hours for the education requirements. The LGC also changed the way the states are graded, and met in June to re-grade all the states. Look for the new, improved Position Statement later this month.

ASHI exhibits at NCSL

For the second year, ASHI will exhibit at the National Conference of State Legislators annual show, in San Francisco, July 23-25. Members of the LGC will network with over 6000 state legislators, staffers and lobbyists and distribute the Position Statement. This is the place to be to influence the movers and shakers in state politics. Last year ASHI put over 600 Position Statements in the hands of key legislators and made contacts we shared with our Chapters. Our goal is to make ASHI the private sector source for all information pertinent to the regulation of home inspectors.

State legislation update

For the history of these bills, please see prior issues or contact Bob Kociolek at ASHI HQ at bobk@ashi.org or 847-759-2820, ext. 103.

Alaska HB 9  May 5, the Senate Finance Committee held an Executive Session for HB 9 at which time they amended the bill and recommended it be passed as amended. The Committee amendment made minor technical changes to the language of the bill and shortened the statute of limitations that an individual has to bring forth charges against a home inspector from two years to one year.  

May 20, the Senate passed HB 9 by a vote of 16-4. May 21, the House concurred the amendments of the Senate by a vote of 29-7. HB 9 now awaits final actions by the Governor. If the Governor signs the bill, Alaska will become the 26th state to regulate home inspectors.

California SB 31  April 7, the Senate passed SB 31 by a vote of 28-8. May 15, SB 31 was referred to the House Committee on Business and Professions where it awaits a public hearing.  

Florida SB 1902  May 2, the Florida Legislature adjourned for the session. As a result, SB 1902 is ‘dead’.  

Indiana HB 1515  The Governor signed this bill  into law; it is now known as Public Law 145. Congratulations to Indiana ASHI members who worked long and hard for a law that will protect consumers and inspectors. The law is effective July 1, 2003.

Louisiana HB 176  May 1, the House passed HB 176 by a vote of 100-0. May 28, HB 176 received a public hearing before the Senate Committee on Commerce, Consumer Protection & International Affairs. The Committee amended HB 176 and recommended that HB 176 be passed as amended. The Committee amendment made minor technical changes to the bill and deleted all Section 1474 issues, which stipulated the qualifications, terms of office and compensation for members of the
Louisiana State Board of Home Inspectors.

New Jersey A567/S1685  As we reported in May, NJ ASHI members were fighting these amendments as major attacks on consumer protection. March 20 the Senate passed an amended version of S1685, effectively removing the most onerous amendments. The bill then went back to the Assembly in May. We are pleased to announce that on May 15 the Assembly passed S 1685 by a vote of 77-0-0. May 23, S 1685 was signed by the Governor. S 1685 is now known as Public Law 2003, Chapter 77. Congratulations to NJ ASHI members who fought long and hard to beat back this major attack on consumer protection.

New York A 06478 and S 04616  May 13, the Assembly Judiciary Committee made a minor technical change to A 06478. The Committee has not yet voted on this measure.

May 7, the Senate Judiciary Committee made minor technical changes to S 04616. The Committee has not yet voted on this measure.  

South Carolina Bill introduction—H 4246  – The state of South Carolina has introduced a legislative proposal that would amend current home inspector licensing provisions (Article 3, Chapter 59, Title 40 of the South Carolina Statutes). H 4246 seeks to bring South Carolina home inspector law in line with the ASHI model home inspector licensing legislation. If adopted, H 4246 would create a Home Inspector Licensing Board, outline the criteria necessary to become licensed as a home inspector, provide for the duties that a home inspector must complete during a home inspection and, among other issues, create a statute of limitations for filing a claim against a home inspector.

H 4246 was introduced by Rep. Edge on May 21, 2003. This bill has been referred to the House Committee on Labor, Commerce & Industry where it awaits a public hearing.  

Tennessee SB 882  May 21, the House passed SB 882 by a vote of 97-0. SB 882 will now go to the Governor where final actions will be taken. May 30, 2003, the Tennessee State Legislature adjourned for the session. However, this does not affect the Governor’s ability to take action on this bill. Currently, SB 882 still awaits the Governor’s approval.

Two more states regulate inspectors

Add Indiana and Alaska to the growing list of states that regulate inspectors. Indiana has a licensing law and Alaska will register inspectors. This brings the total of regulated states to 27.

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