Poltical topics toxic?
To the editor:
I would guess I’m not the first to respond to the recent letters in the Reporter about which political party or figure is responsible for which national disaster. In my opinion, political topics are absolutely toxic for a professional organization like ASHI and they have no place in our publications. Political discussion will only lead to hard feelings and division. There is a wide spectrum of political views among the membership, and there are plenty of other venues for political expression. Our local chapter, Golden Gate ASHI, includes folks who would never get along in a political forum, but who all benefit from the professional support the chapter affords them. The chapter follows a strict policy against political remarks on our Web forum, in meetings, etc. I suggest that for the long-term health of national ASHI, you should do the same in the Reporter.
Paul A. Rude, ASHI Certified Inspector
Summer Street Inspections
Berkeley Calif.
Third Heart a Charm
To the editor,
Thank you for publishing the update on Harry Janssen in the June 2009, Reporter. It was a very good article about a good friend of mine. I agree with all who requested the article be shared, and I am glad he is once again fully engaged. He has to be a fantastic instructor and a blessing to his students. The last I heard he was still DC-powered.
I first saw Harry at ASHI conferences and then got to know him while we both served on the Board of Directors. Harry’s input was always well-reasoned and considered — concise, yet articulate. He never arrived at a meeting with preconceived ideas, remaining impartial, yet retaining the ability to still have a passionate voice when needed. We shared many meals together over the years and, as noted in the article, he retains the twinkle in his eye, especially recognized when his humor is about to burst forth.
Harry, keep a keen edge on your blades; you already have had two close shaves.
JD Grewell, ASHI Certified Inspector
J.D. Grewell & Associates, Inc.
Silver Spring, Md.
To the editor:
Thanks for publishing this article (June 2009 Reporter, Viewpoint.) I encourage all those who read this article to sit down with their family and talk about organ donation.
Please sign your donation card. It can save a life. Many people are waiting for a transplant heart, liver, kidney, lungs, skin and more. I am living proof that it works. Please do it now.
Harry Janssen, ASHI Canadian Certified Inspector
Accurate Home & Building Insp. Consultants Inc.
Guelph, Ont.
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ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
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