Pole Outlet
This receptacle was mounted to a steel support post in the basement of the home I inspected. We have a saying we like to use: “Everyone in Michigan is an electrician, just not all licensed electricians.”
Bob Bowling
LandAmerica Property Inspections
Plymouth, Mich.
This duct line carries more than air. The home-owner used the current duct line to run his plumbing and electrical over to another part of the house. Here are photos of both ends.
Jim Jost
Jost Home Inspections
Watertown, S.D.
How’s this for bathroom exhaust fan venting? A schedule-20 pipe assembly that penetrates the roof with a cap on the bottom to trap all the condensate that flows “down” into the pipe from the multiple exhaust fans.
Bill Barnes
Seagate Inspections, Inc.
Toledo, Ohio
This is not a dog, but a black bear. It is best to give him space. He was down the block in about 10 minutes.
Alden E. Gibson, R.H.I.
Inspections by Gibson Inc.
Breslau, Ontario
Recently, I was called in to remediate a water intrusion problem. According to the homeowner, the contractor installed the siding bottom-side up. He called this installation the “California style.” So far, the homeowner has replaced one set of French doors and the dining & living room hardwood floors. The contractor recaulked (shown in photo), but water still comes in!
Emil B. Monge
API Services, Inc.
Pekin, Ill.
When the owner replaced the window, he forgot about venting the dryer. ”No problem,” he thought. “I have some tie wire, coat hangers, a hole saw and 25 feet of plastic vent. It’s okay if it’s trapped by the screen door, isn’t it?”
Cheryl Pomeroy
Spotlight Home and Property Inspection, Inc.
Oak Park, Ill.
This ain’t Iowa! Here’s a corn stalk growing from the “corn”er of a porch roof, in the rain gutter, at a property in Connecticut. Probably from bird droppings. In my 23 years as a general contractor and eight years as an inspector, I’ve seen a lot of things growing in rain gutters in Connecticut, but this one is a first for me.
Charles G. Nai
Quali-Tech Northeast, LLC
Enfield, Conn.
This is what can happen in the southern California desert when the rooftop drains are not cleaned regularly.
Timothy Hemm
Eagle Home Inspections
Yucaipa, Calif.
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