Plan Now to Attend 2011 Leadership Training Conference

by Michele George September 1, 2011

Education, Interaction & More in Store for 2011 Leadership Conference Attendees

ASHI will hold its annual Leadership Training Conference for the purpose of developing new chapter leaders October 20-21 at the Sheraton Chicago O’Hare in Rosement, Ill.

Last year’s conference was a great success, with more than 100 members attending and 45 chapters participating. In survey responses, attendees again reiterated they benefitted greatly from this opportunity for face-to-face interactivity with other chapter officers from across North America. They said they picked up dozens of excellent, useful ideas on working with volunteers in planning and delivering chapter activities, on methods of recruiting and retaining new members, and nuts-and-bolts ideas on chapter business management.

Among the sessions planned for this year’s LTC are practical training in creating chapter websites, newsletters and promotional pieces, along with legal and recordkeeping topics. Ideas on planning educational events and training will be shared, as well as chapter success stories and challenges.

Again, we’re offering an opportunity for one LTC attendee to win one (1) full InspectionWorld conference registration for IW Phoenix ,including three nights at the Arizona Biltmore, Wednesday, January 4 through Friday, January 6, 2012.

To further encourage participation, ASHI will provide a stipend of $300 for every chapter that sends a leader to LTC. Plan to participate in the Leadership Training Conference. The development and training of new leaders is vital to the continued success of your chapter.

Leadership Training Conference
Sheraton Chicago O’Hare, Rosemont, IL
Thursday, Oct. 20 & Friday, Oct. 21, 2011

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