Pittsburgh Recognizes PRO-ASHI’s Work With Rebuilding Together
ACI Brian Mishler is pictured with a proclamation declaring “Now, therefore be it resolved, that the Council of the City of Pittsburgh does hereby commend Rebuilding Together Pittsburgh, their 2011 sponsors … including the American Society of Home Inspectors … for their unselfish work they do for our city’s low-income elderly and disabled citizens …”
Front row, l to r: Rebuilding Together Pittsburgh Executive Director Steve Hellner-Burris: RTP President Frank Hammond, and Jason Tigano (both holding proclamation): Mishler; Councilwoman Theresa Kail-Smith, who sponsored Rebuilding Together Pittsburgh Day, and Councilman Patrick Dowd. Back row, l to r: Councilman Doug Shields; Councilman Bruce Kraus; Councilwoman Darlene Harris; and Councilman Bill Peduto.
PRO-ASHI Honors Retiring Member
During its March meeting, the PRO-ASHI Chapter honored Jerry (Jerome) Valenti, who was retiring after 41 years in the home inspection business. Chapter President Bryan Cole recognized the chapter’s most senior member for his contributions to the chapter and to the profession. He noted that, in addition to being an excellent home inspector, Valenti also was a registered engineer. Cole said, “Needless to say, we have greatly benefited by Jerry’s leadership and selfless giving back to the chapter.”
Chapter Rosters Past Due
Chapter presidents were asked to submit chapter rosters to headquarters by June 30, 2011. This information assists the staff in providing a correct listing of chapter members on the ASHI website. This is a reminder to any chapter that has not already done so. Send the rosters to russelld@ashi.org.
Chapter Consultant Visits St. Louis
St. Louis Chapter President Paul MacNeill and chapter members welcomed ACI Gary Monfeli, who visited St. Louis on behalf of the Chapter Consulting Group. The group is charged with supporting chapters by discussing methods for strengthing chapters in general and ideas that will help a specific chapter succeed. Monfeli said, “What a great chapter. The members welcomed the effort by ASHI to reach out.”
Photo: Chapter president Paul MacNeill (left) and Gary Monfeli.
Ohio Chapter hosts The ASHI School
Graduates of The ASHI School course hosted by Ohio Chapter are pictured with Gary Monfeli, The ASHI School instructor (second from left), Tim Buehl, Ohio Chapter president (third from left), and Ken Harrington, Ohio Chapter education coordinator (second from right).
SWFLASHI Learns About New Standards
Michael Conley offers the members of Southwest Florida ASHI a one-hour education session every month. His topic for June was the new ASHI Pool and Spa Standards.
To Read the Full Article
ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
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