Oppose ASTM developing standards
ASTM International has scheduled its next meeting on the development of standards for home inspection services:
September 24, 2007
ASTM International Headquarters
100 Barr Harbor Drive
West Conshohocken, Pa.
For directions, go to www.astm.org.
The ASHI Board of Directors encourages all members to attend and cast a vote in opposition to the proposed development of inspection standards.
If you plan on attending, e-mail Pat A. Picariello, ASTM director, developmental operations, at ppicarie@astm.org.
The vote to determine whether this activity will take place will be live at the meeting — proxies will not be accepted.
InspectionWorld quick facts
When: January 16-19, 2008, kicking off with the opening night reception on the 16th and concluding with the President’s Gala the night of the 19th.
Where: Rooms can be reserved now at the Hilton New Orleans Riverside, for $183 a night by calling 504-561-0500 and requesting the InspectionWorld rate.
Registration: Online registration begins Labor Day at www.inspectionworld.org. The print brochure with the faxable/ mail-in form will be mailed in October. Early registration rates will be available until December 1.
Conference cost: Registration packages range from $475 to $750. (Member, non-member; full or education only, etc.)
There will not be an ASHI-coordinated restore New Orleans activity. However, prior to the conference, ASHI will provide a list for those who wish to volunteer on their own. Questions? Contact Angela Orlando at angelao@ashi.org.
Attention committee chairs and board liaisons
Committee chairpersons and board liaisons were sent evaluation forms by e-mail. Chairs were asked to evaluate their committee members; board liaisons were asked to evaluate the chairs. The forms are to be completed and returned to Dick Bennett at HQ to be used for planning next year.
ASHI President’s monthly Podcast
To view Frank Lesh’s monthly podcast, visit the Members Only section of the ASHI Web site.
Council to meet in New Orleans
The annual Council of Reprsentatives meeting will be held in New Orleans on January 15, 2008.
Advertise your chapter events in the ASHI Reporter
Reserve space early to advertise your chapter seminar in print or online. The 2007-08 ASHI Advertising Kit is now available. Here’s an easy way to reach your target audience for a reasonable fee. Request the kit from Sandy Bourseau at sandyb@ashi.org or 847-954-3179.
Renewal notices and CE claim forms
Membership renewal notices were e-mailed the week of August 10. Pay your dues and submit your CEs (formerly MRCs) online. A hard-copy notice was also mailed. The deadline for payment and materials is September 30. The dues for the 2007-08 year are as follows:
- Certified Member and Associate with logo-use: $399
- Associate: $299
- Retired member: $90
- Affiliate: $660
- Allied Professionals: $175
ASHI keeps growing
- ASHI Certified Inspectors: 3,806
- ASHI Associates with Logo Use: 188
- ASHI Associates: 1,896
- ASHI Retired Members: 127
- Affiliates: 99
ASHI calendar of events
- Oct. 18-20, 2007, Leadership Training Conference and Board meeting, Rosemont, Ill.
- Jan. 15, 2008, COR meeting, New Orleans, La.
- Jan. 16, 2008, Board meeting, New Orleans, La.
- Jan. 16-19, 2008, InspectionWorld,New Orleans, La.
- April 11-12, 2008, Board Orientation and Board Meeting, Chicago, Ill.
- July 11-12, 2008, ASHI Town Hall Meeting and Board meeting, TBD
- October 17-18, 2008, Leadership Training Conference and Board meeting, Chicago, Ill.
To Read the Full Article
ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
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Professional Networking
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