On the Road with ASHI

by Anthony Snyder July 1, 2006

ASHI has Presence at Environmental Show

Representatives of ASHI shared the importance of ASHI Inspectors with the more than 1,000 attendees at the ACI Home Performance Conference, May 24-25 in Austin, Texas.

ACI-2y.gif The show, attended by individuals engaged in home energy audits and environmental testing (like air quality), afforded ASHI the opportunity to tap into this growing market for new members or perhaps develop a referral network for our membership. When an energy auditor finds an apparent structural problem, he or she could refer the client to an ASHI Inspector. If an ASHI Inspector notes some energy concerns, he or she could refer the client to someone who does energy audits. (Photo: ASHI Executive Director Rob Paterkiewicz shows an ACI attendee how to find a local ASHI Inspector using our Find an Inspector Tool.)

The ACI show was sponsored by Affordable Comfort, Inc. (ACI), an ASHI Affiliate based in Waynesburg, Pa. For more about ACI, please visit www.affordablecomfort.org.

ASHI Membership Still the Best Fit for ITA Grads

July-061.gif At the ITA East Coast Seminar, May 20-21, in Miami, the more than 150 attendees had the opportunity to visit with a handful of exhibitors—and ASHI was clearly an important stop for them. (Photo: ASHI Candidate Chris Wunderler, St. Petersburg (left), has had such a great experience in ASHI that he encouraged his wife, Mary Anne, to enter the profession and join ASHI. Mary Anne is shown here at last month’s ITA show being welcomed as a new Candidate by Anthony Snyder, ASHI director of membership & marketing. )

July-062.gif While most ITA/Kaplan alumni are already part of ASHI, being present at an ITA event gives us an opportunity to answer current members’ questions and also meet inspectors who “always meant to join ASHI,” but never got around to doing it.
ASHI welcomed aboard eight new Candidates at the show and received a verbal commitment for one new Affiliate. (Photo: Anthony Snyder welcomes aboard new Candidate Tim Glisson of Tampa, Fla., at the ITA event in Miami. Mr. Glisson was referred for membership by ASHI Candidate John Roy (left). ASHI Member Christopher Licata is also pictured.)

The next opportunity to visit with ASHI representatives at an ITA show will be at the 11th annual Inspection Expo, September 25-26, 2006, in Las Vegas.

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ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..

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