Official notice of ASHI Annual Business Meeting

by Edited by ASHI Staff January 1, 2009

The annual ASHI business meeting will be held Jan. 23, 2009, from 8 to 9 a.m. at Disney’s Contemporary Resort, Lake Buena Vista, Fla. All members are invited to attend.

An announcement from the Executive Director: Stronger chapters, improved member service, fiscal responsibility
Does that sound like what you want from your Society? It’s my pleasure to announce how ASHI is making that happen.

A new program

For three years, David Sherwood and the Chapter Relations Committee have been reaching out and helping struggling ASHI chapters. Their success motivated us to think bigger and better, and with the recent changes to ASHI staff, I’m able to announce the new Chapter Consulting Program, which will kick off with the new year.

The goal:
In 2009, conduct on-site leadership training for up to 20 chapters, resulting in member retention and growth. While the immediate emphasis is on struggling chapters, eventually all chapters will take part in this program on a periodic basis.

Three trainers, chosen by Russell Daniels, director of chapter relations; David Sherwood, Chapter Relations Committee chair, and me, will travel to chapters in need of help providing on site training in organizational planning, communications and meeting structure. The trainers are not direct employees of ASHI, but will receive a small stipend as private contractors.

Read the background and plans for this groundbreaking new program on in Latest News.

The good news is all of this and more is possible within existing stringent budget guidelines because of the recent streamlining of the ASHI staff.   

Here to serve you better

The recent streamlining of the ASHI staff allows us to better serve members while introducing the new Chapter Consulting Program, without an increase to the 2009 budget.

Here’s who to contact about what:

Russell Daniels becomes the Director of Chapter Relations:

Sarah Walsh is promoted to Manager of Membership services:

Mark Lester now is the office services coordinator:

The membership and facilities management staff continues to report to Daniels.

Bill Lewis, director of business development and education, adds liaison for state legislation:

Michele George is the new education coordinator, also assisting Bill with meeting planning and me with administrative matters:
Sandy Bourseau, director of communications, adds liaison to the Ethics and Standards of Practice

I now will serve as the liaison to the Speaker of the Council of Representatives and continue as the liaison for federal legislation with Dick Bennett:,

Richard Bennett, director of finance and administration/HR; Judy Delvoye, graphic designer; Karen Davis, membership administrator; and Mike Rostescu, IT manager, continue to serve in the same positions.   

Under the direction of ASHI’s leadership, I look forward to making more positive member-directed announcements throughout the new year. Remember, we always welcome your comments and suggestions.


Jeff Arnold, ASHI executive director and CEO

Hold SOP suggestions until March

The Standards of Practice Committee accepts suggestions for changes to the Standards of Practice from ASHI Certified Inspectors from March through December.

If proposed revisions are received in 2009, the Standards of Practice Committee will hold a hearing at InspectionWorld in January 2010.

Questions? Contact Sandy Bourseau 847-954-3179.

Additional Committee liaisons

After the board-approved committee appointments were announced, the following additional staff liaisons were assigned:

  • Chapter Relations Committee, Russell Daniels
  • Ethics Committee, Sandy Bourseau
  • Legislative Committee, Jeff Arnold (federal), Bill Lewis (state)
  • Standards Committee, Sandy Bourseau

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