Official Notice of Annual Business Meeting
The annual ASHI business meeting will be held Jan. 23, 2009, from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. at Disney’s Contemporary Resort, Lake Buena Vista, Fla. All members are invited to attend.
October 18, 2008, ASHI Board of Directors Meeting Report Out
This is a report to the Membership of the official actions taken during the Board of Directors meeting held on October 17-18, 2008, in New Orleans, La. These are not the official meeting minutes, as discussion items and withdrawn and failed motions are not included. The official minutes of this meeting will be presented for Board approval at their next meeting, January 21, 2009, in Orlando, Fla.
We encourage you to review this report in order to be fully informed of actions taken on your behalf by the ASHI Board. Should you have questions about any of these items, you are encouraged to contact any member of the Board of Directors to discuss.
(NOTE: Contact information for the Board is available in every issue of the ASHI Reporter, and in the Online Membership Directory.)
Approval of Minutes
Minutes for the July 12, 2008, Board meeting were reviewed and approved by the Board.
Motions Approved
As a result of the work within the committees, task forces and staff, the following motions were presented and approved:
The Board approved the appointment of 2009 Chairs and Board Liaisons to the ASHI Committees as recommended by President-elect, Bill Richardson, as follows:
Bylaws Committee
Steve Gladstone, chair
Board Liaison, TBD
Dick Bennett, staff liaison
Chapter Relations Committee
David Sherwood, chair
Ken Salvo, board liaison
CEPP Committee
Jamison Brown, chair
Charles Gifford, board liaison (to be replaced with newly elected vice president)
Dick Bennett, staff liaison
CACC Committee (Logo Use) Change name to CLU per P&P 12.1B.2
Steve Hartnett, chair
Charles Gifford, board liaison (to be replaced with newly elected vice president)
Dick Bennett, staff liaison
Education Committee
Greg Caudill, chair
Michael Stephens, board liaison
Bill Lewis, staff liaison
Ethics Committee
Bill Loden, chair
Ron Rusch, board liaison
Dick Bennett, staff liaison
Finance Committee
Treasurer, chair
Dick Bennett, staff liaison
Legislative Committee
Marvin Goldstein, co-chair for state affairs and board liaison
Newly elected vice president, co-chair for federal affairs and board liaison
Jeff Arnold, staff liaison
Membership Committee
J. D. Grewell, chair
Alden Gibson R.H.I., board liaison
Russell Daniels, staff liaison
Officer Nominating Committee
Brion Grant, chair
Jeff Arnold, staff liaison
Public Relations Committee
Dan Howard, chair
Tony Smith, board liaison
Sandy Bourseau, staff liaison
Standards Committee
Bruce Barker, chair
Brendan Ryan, board liaison
Dick Bennett, staff liaison
Technical Review Committee (name change)
TBD, chair
Robert Pyne, board liaison
Sandy Bourseau, staff liaison
Web site Committee
Jeff Arnold, chair
Three Staff appointees
Jim Hemsell, board member
Governance Task Force
Frank Libero, chair
Jeff Arnold, staff liaison
The Board approved a motion that author-izes ASHI to negotiate and enter into a contract agreement with the National Environmental Health Association (NEHA) and the National Center for Healthy Housing (NCHH).
The Board approved a motion authorizing changing and modifying the ASHI Standards of Practice exam to an online education module.
The Board approved a motion authorizing ASHI to make application to the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA) to create a membership certification
The Board approved a motion authorizing ASHI to contract with an outside provider to audio-record educational sessions, synchronize powerpoint presentations with the audio, and manage the distribution and/or sales of the products through their Web portal.
The Board approved the following revision to the ASHI Position Statement on Regulation of Home Inspectors, on page 7, with the subtitle change from Code of Ethics to “Prohibited Business Acts.” The Section reads as follows:
Prohibited Business Acts – Government regulations should include prohibited business acts. The public must be assured that the inspector is independent and has no hidden alliances or conflicts of interest, and performs inspections for clients in a fair, impartial and professional manner. Professional business practices are critical for the home inspection profession. Having prohibited business acts will protect both the public and the inspector from outside influences.
The prohibited business acts recommended are based upon ASHI’s Code of Ethics. ASHI’s Code of Ethics is intended to ensure that consumers are treated in a fair, impartial and professional manner. ASHI members are required to abide by this Code of Ethics.
The Board approved a budget for 2008-2009, which shows a surplus of $39,560.
The Board approved the following motions recommended by the Finance Committee:
Motion: The Board of Directors approves the selection of Desmond Ahern to perform the 2007-2008 audit of ASHI.
Motion: The Board of Directors approves changing ASHI’s primary bank to Chase Bank.
Motion: When Specified by the Board of Directors, the ASHI Executive Director, with review by ASHI Legal Counsel, has the authority to enter into contracts on behalf of ASHI. Before the contract is signed, the Executive Director, with the assistance of the CFO and Legal Counsel, will summarize the provisions of the contract and send the contract and summary to the Finance Committee for approval. This policy will apply to contracts in excess of $10,000.
Miscellaneous Reports
In the Board meeting, various reports are given. At this meeting, reports were provided to the Board from Committees and Task Forces, the Council of Representatives, Headquarters staff and Legal Counsel.
ASHI Certified Members to Elect Officers for 2009
On Oct. 31, voting members received the following ballot to elect ASHI’s officers.
For 2009 President-Elect: David Tamny, Columbus, Ohio
For 2009 Vice President:
Kurt Salomon, Salt Lake City, Utah
For 2009 Treasurer:
Charles Gifford, Jacksonville, Fla.
For 2009 Secretary:
Marvin Goldstein, Southampton, Pa.
The election closes Dec. 5, and the results will be announced in the January ASHI Reporter. The new officers will be installed at InspectionWorld.
For general information, contact Jeff Arnold,
Council Reps to Elect Directors
The following slate was presented Oct. 31 to those serving on the Council of Representatives. The five candidates who receive the highest number of votes will be directors; the sixth will be the alternate director.
Michael Burroughs
Joe Kelly
Jack McGraw
Paul Staron
Chuck Walton
Scott Warga
Charles Zehner
The election closes Dec. 5, and the results will be announced in the January ASHI Reporter. The new directors will be installed at InspectionWorld.
For general information, contact Jeff Arnold,
To Read the Full Article
ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
In this Issue
Professional Networking
Grow your professional network, find a mentor, network with the best, and best part of the community that’s making home inspection better every day.