Official notice of Annual Business Meeting

by Edited by ASHI Staff December 1, 2009

The annual ASHI business meeting will be held Jan. 19, 2010, from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. at Bally’s Hotel, Las Vegas, Nev. All members are invited to attend. 




October 17, 2009, ASHI Board
of Directors Meeting Report Out


The following is a brief
report of the official actions taken during ASHI’s fourth Board of Directors
meeting this year.  It was held
October 17, 2009 in Rosemont, Ill. 
Discussion items and withdrawn or failed motions are not included in the
report.  The official minutes will
be presented for Board approval at its next meeting January 17, 2010 in Las
Vegas, Nev.


Consent Agenda

Consent agenda items are
those that do not require debate or dialogue in order for the Board to take

The Board reviewed and
approved to restate the EGTRRA Amendment and Reinstatement to the staff 401(k)


Meeting Minutes

The Board reviewed and
approved as amended the minutes from the Board meeting of July 17-18, 2009, the
Board Call of September 10, 2009 and the Board Call of September 30, 2009.


Board Leadership
Development Discussion

The Board heard a
presentation by Mark Thorsby, a group facilitator from Smith Bucklin. Following
discussion, the Board gave authorization to enlist the services of Mark Thorsby
to present options for improving our governance effectiveness to be reported
back to the Board in December. 


Committee/Treasurer Report

Financial statements as of
August 31, 2009 were distributed.  ASHI’s
new Accounting Manager, Belienda Schultz and staff have been reviewing accounts
and all controls are in place.


Membership Committee

The Board approved several
minor housekeeping changes to Policy #3 in the ASHI Policy and Procedures.


Executive Director’s Report

We have been pleased with
the work of our public relations company, Gibbs & Soell.  Advertising revenue has continued to
cover the costs to produce The Reporter.


Membership services has been
handling the receipt of ASHI membership renewal applications and


Registration for InspectionWorld
Las Vegas has begun and is available online at  Bill Lewis, ASHI Director of Business
Development and Education may be contacted if there are any questions regarding
IW registration to the conference or vendor exhibition.


ASHI has signed hotel
contracts for future InspectionWorlds in Atlanta in 2011,  Phoenix in 2012, and Las Vegas in 2013.


The Board approved the
selected 2010 Committee Chairs and Committees as proposed by President-Elect
David Tamny:


Bylaws Committee

Steve Gladstone, Chair


Chapter Relations Committee

David Sherwood, Chair


Certification Committee

Brendan Ryan, Chair


Complaints (CACC – Logo Use)

Steve Hartnett, Chair


Complaints (CEPP) Committee

Jamison Brown, Chair


Education Committee

Ron Rusch, Chair


Elections Committee

Mike Casey, Chair

Joe Corsetto, New Appointee


Ethics Committee

Mike Sterling, Chair


Finance Committee

TBD – Winner of Treasurer


Legislative Committee

George Harper, Co-Chair for
State Affairs


Membership Committee

J.D. Grewell, Chair


Officer Nominating Committee

Bill Richardson, Immediate
Past President


Public Relations Committee

Dan Howard, Chair


Standards Committee

Bruce Barker, Chair


Technical Review Committee

Bryck Guibor, Chair


A motion was approved that
ASHI staff be responsible for the management of the ASHI website.


An ASHI Travel Policy was
approved by the Board which states guidelines for attainment of reimbursement
for travel expenses incurred by those authorized.

This policy is designed to
help mitigate rising travel costs.


ASHI lobbyist, Randy Pence
will be working in Washington on the extension of the home buyer tax credit due
to expire at the end of November.

Questions? Contact Jeff Arnold, ASHI ED/CEO at

Bylaw Proviso Presented to Voting Members

In November, Certified Inspectors received a ballot to approve the members of the initial Certification Committee.

Known as a proviso, the measure is a required bylaw action allowing the current committee members, some of whom are on the ASHI Board of Directors, to complete their initial term.

Voting members, if you haven’t voted and are unable to find the e-mailed ballot, contact Mike at HQ,

Call for Changes to ASHI’s Home Inspection Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics

The Standards Committee invites suggestions for changes and additions to ASHI’s home inspection Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics (Standards). Those who have submitted suggestions during 2009 need not resubmit. When submitting a change or addition, please indicate the Standards section affected and exactly how you believe the change or addition should be worded. Please include your name and contact information.

ASHI’s Standards are preeminent for many reasons. One of those is that it is a living document. Like all living things, it must adapt to a changing environment in order to thrive. On the other hand, change to something that is obviously successful should occur only for good reasons and after careful consideration.

The Standards Committee is available to help. Please submit suggestions and direct any questions to Bruce Barker, Committee Chair, at or at 623-374-4901. You may also bring suggestions to the Standards hearing at InspectionWorld in Las Vegas.

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