Officers, Directors and Committees

by Edited by ASHI Staff January 1, 2014

ASHI Officers for 2014

Officers Who Will Lead ASHI for 2014
The president-elect automatically becomes the president. The winners will be installed at the IW 2014 Board Meeting in Nashville and will serve immediately afterward.

Candidates identified issues in matrices

Officer and director candidates for 2014 were asked what they considered to be the two most pressing problems ASHI would be facing in the next 12 months. The comments shared here and on the following page were taken from their answers to this question in the matrices they submitted to be considered by voting members for their respective offices. Links to all the matrices can be found in this section of the January issue at


Bill J. Loden
Insight Home Inspection, LLC
Madison, AL

The number one issue for ASHI is leadership in the inspection profession. In order to remain the industry leader, we need to examine our membership structure and determine if a restructuring is needed to adapt for our changing environment. For this profession to thrive, we must have competent and qualified inspectors joining our ranks as older members retire and move on to other endeavors.

The number two issue is development of a public image that further engages the public. We have had great success with the message that ASHI Certified Inspectors can help consumers protect their financial assets through greater understanding of the condition of the home they are buying or selling. An equally compelling message and one of interest to the public is home safety. There is no doubt that home inspections save lives, and it is equally true that properly documented home safety concerns can get the attention of the media.

Membership highlights:

•1996, joined ASHI
•2003-04, Council of Representatives group leader
•2005-07, ASHI director
•2008-09, Ethics Committee chair
•2011, ASHI secretary
•2012, ASHI vice president
•2009, ASHI Education Committee chair
•2011, Election Task Force chair


Alden Gibbson
Inspections by Gibson
Breslau, ON
1. Building the membership is critical to maintaining low dues. The cost of living continues to rise. The economy is slowly starting to recover. We must build the membership to maintain our low fees. The membership must assist ASHI in building the society.
2. AEI has great potential to produce income for AEI & ASHI. The AEI Board must pay close attention to the operation of TAS and provide support and guidance when needed.
Membership Highlights:

•1992 Joined ASHI/OAHI
•2011-2012 Board of Directors, treasurer
•2010 Board of Directors, secretary
•2007-2010 Board of Directors, director
•2001-2002 vice president, OAHI
•2001-2002 officer, OAHI
•1997-1999, 2000-2002 Board of Directors, OAHI


Randy Sipe
Vice President
Family Home Inspection Services, Inc.
Spring Hill, KS

Growing membership to increase revenue is the most significant issue facing ASHI. Marketing to existing inspectors in licensed states and franchised inspector companies will increase our needed revenues. Marketing to existing inspectors who have established businesses will help with long-term renewal.

The second issue is getting ASHI operating in the black, which can be achieved by growing membership, careful planning and budgeting.

Membership highlights:
•1999, joined ASHI
•2002-08, NOVA Chapter director
•2004-06, NOVA Chapter president
•2008-11, ASHI director


Michael Stephens
American Home Inspection LLC
Fairfax, VA
Holding on to membership is the most significant issue facing ASHI. Providing better member benefits (value) would be one way to address this. The other issue is to encourage states that require licensing to accept ASHI’s third-party certification. If they copy our standards, they should recognize our inspectors.
Membership highlights:
•2001, joined ASHI
•2007-08, Ontario, vice president
•2004, ASHI alternate director
•2007-09, ASHI director
•2010, ASHI secretary

Howard Pegelow
H.A. Pegelow Investigations

There is no question positive membership growth and, more importantly, membership retention are the two most significant matters which require continued diligence and awareness. As for the paths to follow, it would appear the committee and the board are proceding in such matters by the development of various contacts with franchise entities and amending current membership catagories. Furthermore, the equalization of the current dues structure has been addressed and is being monitored. Allowing ASHI School students to become paying members has shown positive reaction as well.

Membership highlights:
•1998, joined ASHI
•2007-08, Great Lakes Chapter, president
•2009 – 2010, Governance Task Force
•2006, Complaints Committee – Logo Use
•2004 – 2008, 2009 – 2013, EBPHI/NHIE, director and treasurer
•2008 – 2014, Amvets, VFW
•2009 – 2010, Speaker of the CoR

Council Elects New Directors

Five new Directors and one Alternate will take their seats
at the April Board meeting/p>
Council of Representatives elected five new ASHI directors and one alternate. The introductions are excerpts from the matrices submitted by candidates for the three-year terms. Links to the candidates full matrices are available via the online January 2014 ASHI Reporter,

Larry Cerro
Building & Home Inspections By L. Cerro
Tallahassee, FL

ASHI’s strengths lie in the experience of its inspectors and their professional attitude. It is time we take that experience and professionalism on the road and convince the world that there is a difference between an ASHI inspector and a home inspector.


C. Blaine Illingworth, III
Harleysville, PA
I believe in ASHI and its future as the major force in the home inspection profession and want to help it into that future. I have been giving back at the local level for over a decade and more recently at the national level as well. I have served two years on the Board after having been an Alternate and have been involved in many major decisions that I would like to help implement.


Mark Londner
LBI Home & Building Inspection
Percerville, VA

I so enjoy my chapter and make every meeting. My job, as I see it, is to communicate the chapter members’ ideas and concerns to ASHI…these I gather during every meeting. I have become a willing conduit for communication. I make sure everyone in our chapter understands the issues and make sure those get back to ASHI. I also serve as the chapter’s liaison to the Council of Representatives.


Mike Wagner
Westfield, IN

Chapter: From a chapter perspective, I feel that my 2-year term as INASHI Membership Chair was a success. As a result of a great team effort by our Board of Directors, education and other committees, INASHI experienced significant growth. Although I will not take credit for this.

National: My greatest National contribution is yet to come. I am at a point in my career when I want to give more back to ASHI on a national level and I feel I can offer significant contributions if provided the opportunity.


Kevin Westendorf
Lowcountry Home Inspection
Mt. Pleasant, SC
I have a strong desire to promote ASHI. I am convinced the way to do that is through leadership at the national level. I am a firm believer that ASHI is the preeminent home inspector organization in the world. I want to do my part to keep it that way.
Bruce LaBell
Royal Home Inspectors LLC

Will serve as the alternate director.

Congratulations to
New Certification Committee Members

Elected members Hugh Kelso, HKI Building Inspections, Seattle, WA; and Mike Conley, Straight Inspection Serivce, Anna Maria, FL; and appointed member JD Grewell, JD Grewell & Associates, Inc., Silver Springs, MD.


ASHI 2013 Committees: Thank you for Your Service

During 2013, ASHI members chaired and served on the society’s standing committees, contributing ideas and plans and carrying out the Board’s directives. They deserve recognition for their service.

Skip Walker, chair

Jay Balin

Jim Rooney


Ken Harrington, chair

Kenny Hart

Mark Mustola

Bob Schacke

BK Thompson


Jim Hemsell, chair

Jim Funkhouser

Scott Johnson

Joe Kelly

Brendan Ryan

Vince Tecce

Kara Schmitt,
public member

(CACC – Logo Use)
Manass Hochstetler, chair
Middlebury, IN
Edward Green

Complaints (CEPP)
Kevin Vargo, chair

Allan Davis

Jim Yaskiewicz,


Skip Walker, chair
San Bruno, CA
Ken Harrington

Richard Hart

Tony Smith

Kevin E. Westendorff

Rod Beacham, chair
Kenmore, WV
John D’Arpino

Peter N Jung

Mario Lucciola

Greg Grabs

Mark Hemmann

Scott McLean

Greg Noyes
Sylmar, CA
Larry Hoytt, chair

Jay Balin

Miki Mertz

John Wenger

Jamison Brown, chair

Joseph Cmar

Michael Hoberecht

Lawrence Hoytt

Stephen G. Wilson

Mike Stevens, chair

Bill Jacques, president

Bill Loden, president-elect

Scott Warga, vice president

Randy Sipe, secretary

Marvin Goldstein, immediate past-president
Southampton, PA
Timothy Buell, director


Mike Conley, co-chair, state

Don Lovering, co-chair, federal

David Goldstein, chair
Robbinsville, NJ
David Goldstein <
Robbinsville, NJ
Jim Funkhouser

Michael Patton

Kurt Salomon

Blaine Swan

Sean Troxell

Marvin Goldstein, chair

Larry Cerro

Bruce LaBell

Tom Lauhon

Mark Londner

Jerry Santangini

Tony Smith

Scott Swickard



David Haught, chair

Bruce Barker, chair
Cary, NC
Mark Cramer

John Cranor

Jeff Frishof

Chris Ueland

Jim Katen, chair
Gaston, OR
Charles Buell

Victor J. Faggella

Terry Heller
Forest Hill, MD
Mike Twitty

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