Officer Elections Concluded Dec. 5

by Edited by ASHI Staff January 1, 2008

2008 President-Elect: 
William Richardson,
Albuquerque, N.M.

2008 Vice President:
Charles Gifford,
Jacksonville, Fla.

2008 Treasurer:
David Tamny,
Columbus, Ohio

2008 Secretary:
Bill Jacques,
Ravenel, S.C.

Questions about the election results should be directed to Richard Bennett, ASHI acting executive director,

Council elects five new ASHI directors to three-year terms

Each year Council Representatives elect one-third of ASHI’s 15 directors to three-year terms. This year’s election closed on Dec. 5, 2007. Five of the following will take their seats on the board after the close of the January Board meeting and a runoff election between the two* who tied in the first election.

Thomas G. Lauhon*
Robert B. Pyne
Tony Smith*
Frank V. Libero
Jim Hemsell
Michael J. Stephens


Representing your chapter at Council meeting

Representing your chapter at the one council meeting a year is an important part of a council rep’s job description. If you cannot attend, the chapter can designate an alternate. For a copy of the form, contact Bob Kociolek at

Call for Volunteers

The deadline for volunteering to serve on a 2008 committee was extended because not all the committee chairs were in place. Now that they are, the chairs will be contacting those who answered the call. Since much of the committee’s work is done through e-mail, committee members must have an e-mail address to serve.

Fortunately for ASHI, there are usually more volunteers than openings. Volunteers who are not assigned to committees at the beginning of the year may be called if task forces are formed later.

Smart Track Chapter Modules perfect for chapter meetings

Need a technical presentation for an upcoming chapter meeting? Smart Track Chapter modules (slide presentation with instructor notes) are available to the chapters. To gain access for your chapter, contact Angela Orlando by e-mail at or by phone at 847-954-3187.

Leaders shared reasons to belong

Throughout the month of December, ASHI Board Members, COR Group Leaders, those serving on the ASHI Membership Committee and Chapter presidents called ASHI members who had not renewed their membership for 2008 to remind them of the benefits of belonging to an organization of professional inspectors and to encourage them not to lose the status they worked hard to obtain. ASHI’s leaders encourage all members to contact those who have not renewed and encourage them to do so. Supporting your professional organization benefits the profession as well as each member.

Electronic publication schedule

“First Thing,” ASHI’s leadership newsletter, was not published for January. It will resume publication February 1, 2008. The monthly newsletter with information and dates of importance to the society’s leaders is e-mailed to the full membership on the first of the month, February through December.

The Inspector, with individual editions for Associates and for ASHI Certified Members/Associates with Logo Use, is published the last half of each month.

The electronic newsletters are designed to keep members informed about ASHI’s activities and membership programs and services. All members with current e-mail addresses on file with HQ are sent the electronic publications.

Members are encouraged to use the Members Only Extranet to update their contact information. If you need help logging in, please contact ASHI HQ, 847-759-2820 or

Current ASHI membership

ASHI Certified Inspectors: 3,883
ASHI Associates with Logo Use: 207
ASHI Associates: 2036
ASHI Retired Members: 150
Affiliates: 101

ASHI Calendar of Events

  • Jan. 15, 2008, Council of Representatives meeting, New Orleans, La.
  • Jan. 16, 2008, Board meeting,
  • New Orleans, La.
  • Jan. 16-19 2008, InspectionWorld New Orleans, La.
  • Jan. 18, 2008, Annual Business Meeting, InspectionWorld, New Orleans, La.
  • April 11-12, 2008, Board orientation and board meeting, Chicago, Ill.
  • July 11-12, 2008, ASHI Town Hall Meeting and board meeting, TBD

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