October Board Meeting Starts Early to Meet Business Demands

by Edited by ASHI Staff December 1, 2002

Due to the number of items on the agenda for October, the Directors began their meeting in Chicago on Friday afternoon and continued through the day on Saturday. Many Chapter Leadership Day participants took advantage of their visit to Chicago to attend Saturday’s session.

The next step in the branding quest and the approval of committee chairs for 2003 were among agenda items receiving Board approval.

• As the branding program moved forward, the Board approved research that included collecting input from ASHI’s membership and consumers. The results of this and earlier research will be included in the introduction to branding scheduled for InspectionWorld. ASHI’s public relations consulting firm was instructed to focus on external marketing and public relations related to the initiative.

• A Code of Ethics Committee was added to the list of standing committees. Prior to the Board’s action, the Standards of Practice Committee addressed Code issues. With the change, each committee will be able to focus on evaluating possible revisions to one edict.

• Board of Director meeting dates for 2003 were established, with Washington D.C. designated as the site of the July 2003 meeting.

• InspectPAC, ASHI’s new political action committee, will be launched at InspectionWorld.

• ASHI will recognize the Illinois Home Inspection Examination as meeting Membership requirements for passing the NHIE.

• An advisory council of CEOs of franchises and large multi-inspector firms was established. This is not a membership category nor does the group have voting privileges.

New for chapters

Chapters with the greatest percentage and actual number increases in membership in the coming year will receive special recognition, the Board decreed.
Committee chairs for 2003

The Board of Directors appointed the following committee chairs for 2003:

( The Commitee is followed by the Chair of the Committee)
Bylaws, David Drewry
Chapter Relations, Dennis Parra, Sr.
Conference Planning, President-Elect Co-chair, Vice President, Co-chair
Education,  Ken Salvo
Elections, Danny Maynard
Executive Director Evaluation, John Ghent
Facilities, Charles Bellefontaine
Finance, Treasurer
Leadership Task Force, Rich Matzen
Legislative,Brion Grant, Co-chair, State Affairs, President-Elect, Co-chair,        Federal Affairs
Membership, Don Lovering
Officer Nominating, Mike Casey
Public Relations, Skip Kelley
Standards, JD Grewell
Code of Ethics, Chris Ueland
Technical, John Cranor

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