Oct. 22, 2005, Board of Directors Meeting Report Out
ASHI’s third Board meeting of the 2005 Membership year was held on October 22, 2005, in Rosemont, Ill. This is a brief report to the ASHI Membership of the official actions taken during this meeting. These are not the meeting minutes, as discussion items and failed motions are not included. The official minutes will be presented for Board approval at its next meeting January 8, 2006, in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.
Please review this report to be informed of actions taken on your behalf by the ASHI Board. Should you have questions, contact any member of the Board of Directors. (See page 3 for contact information.)
I. Consent Agenda
The Board reviewed and approved items presented on a Consent Agenda. Consent Agenda items are those that do not require debate or dialogue in order for action to be taken on them. The Agenda included the following:
A. Change to Policy 21.13h under Officer Nomination section to make August 15 the Officer Nomination Deadline annually instead of August 31.
B. The makeup of the ASHI Elections Committee for 2006 is as follows:
Chair, Richard Heyl, Term 2004-2006
Michael Casey, Term 2006-2008
Wayne Falcone, Term 2006-2008
Alternate, Pat Casey, Term 2006
C. The 2006 – 2007 Board Meeting Dates were approved (see Report from HQ, ASHI calendar, page 52).
II. Approval of Minutes
Board meeting minutes were reviewed and approved by the Board, including:
A. Minutes of the July 16, 2005, Board meeting held in St. Louis, with modification.
B. Report of action since last meeting as presented.
III. Smart Track Discussion
The Board spent an hour discussing proposals brought forward from a Board-established task force working on fulfilling the “Fast Track” work items from our Strategic Plan. The intent of Fast Track was to establish a system to help ASHI Candidates achieve the level of full ASHI Member quicker by providing programs and opportunities, through chapters or otherwise, that will help them meet the Member requirements. The following motions were approved:
A. The term “Fast Track” will be changed to “Smart Track” in all appropriate ASHI documents.
B. “Parallel Inspections” are approved for the purpose of a Candidate meeting ASHI Membership requirements. A Parallel Inspection is defined as follows:
A “Parallel Inspection” is a fee-paid home inspection conducted by a full Member of ASHI with no more than two Candidates also inspecting the property and generating a full report simultaneously. The full Member will be required to review the Candidate(s) report, verify that it is in substantial compliance with the ASHI Standards of Practice, and sign forms provided by ASHI attesting to the details of the inspection. “Parallel Inspection” reports that have been revised and corrected will qualify as completed reports for membership purposes. The Candidate(s) will be responsible to submit all appropriate forms to ASHI.
“Parallel Inspections” will qualify as fee paid inspections for credit toward the required number of experience inspections for C-2 or full Membership status. “Parallel Inspections” will also qualify for MRCs for Members and Candidates per ASHI guidelines. A fee for this service may be negotiated between the parties, but is not required.
(NOTE: A request was made of the Board to clarify in ASHI’s Policies if other types of inspections including, “team,” “shadow” and “ride-alongs,” will meet ASHI’s Membership requirements. This clarification will be formulated and presented to the Board for approval at their January 2006 meeting.)
C. A Request for Proposal (RFP) will be conducted with education providers and developers to provide education resources for ASHI’s use.
D. To allocate up to $7,500 to purchase
software that will enable ASHI to develop resources to establish online education and testing on the ASHI Web site. The software will be owned by ASHI and will allow the testing and education to be controlled by ASHI. The money will be taken from the 2004-2005 strategic expenditure funds.
IV. ASHI Standards of Practice Discussion
The Board entered into a “Committee of the Whole” to discuss proposed changes to the ASHI Standards of Practice. While no formal action was taken, Board members were asked to provide feedback on the proposals directly to the Standards Committee Chair so the motion can be resubmitted in January.
V. Work Area Status Report
At each meeting, the Board receives status updates on how the Committees and Staff are progressing in their work within each area of the Strategic Plan. No action taken in this section.
VI. 2006 Preparation
President-Elect Joe Corsetto presented the following motions to the Board in preparation for his presidency in 2006:
A. The following slate of Committee Chairs and Liaisons was approved for 2006:
(Important Notes – Those Chairs marked with “*” are running for the ASHI Board of Directors. A contingent Chair is proposed and appears in parenthesis. The Staff Liaisons are presented for information only.)
ASHI Membership Forum
John Ghent-Chair & Board Liaison
Joe Kusiak-Staff Liaison
John Geiger-Chair
Don Nelson-Board Liaison
Richard Bennett-Staff Liaison
Chapter Relations
Ron Rusch-Chair
Bill Loden-Board Liaison
Bob Kociolek-Staff Liaison
Code of Ethics
Keith Oberg-Chair
Greg Caudill-Board Liaison
Jim Jones-Staff Liaison
Complaints (Logo Use)
Howard Pegelow-Chair
Vice President-Board Liaison
Anthony Snyder-Staff Liaison
Complaints (Ethics)
*Miki Mertz-Chair
(Pete Engle-Chair)
Vice President-Board Liaison
Anthony Snyder-Staff Liaison
Conference Planning
President-Elect-Co-Chair & Board Liaison
Vice President-Co-Chair
Angela Orlando-Staff Liaison
Brian Murphy-Chair
Bill Jacques-Board Liaison
Jim Jones-Staff Liaison
Executive Director Evaluation
Don Norman-Chair & Board Liaison
Rob Paterkiewicz-Staff Liaison
Treasurer-Chair & Board Liaison
Richard Bennett-Staff Liaison
*Andrew Kasznay-Co-Chair, State Affairs
(Marv Goldstein-Co-Chair, State Affairs)
President Elect- Co-Chair, Federal Affairs & Board Liaison
Bob Kociolek-Staff Liaison
Scott Patterson-Chair
Charles Gifford-Board Liaison
Anthony Snyder-Staff Liaison
Officer Nominating Committee
Don Norman-Chair and Board Liaison
Rob Paterkiewicz-Staff Liaison
Public Relations
Paul Staron-Chair
Jay Balin-Board Liaison
Sandy Bourseau-Staff Liaison
John Cranor-Chair
Tore Knos-Board Liaison
Jim Jones-Staff Liaison
Garet Denise-Chair
Leon Costanten-Board Liaison
Sandy Bourseau-Staff Liaison
B. Portland, Ore., was approved as the location of the July 14 -15, 2006, ASHI Town Hall & Board of Directors meeting.
VII. Miscellaneous Reports
A. Finance Committee
A1. A formal Whistleblower Policy was approved as presented. It is designed to protect “whistleblowers” who have knowledge of and want to report financial irregularities or other violations.
A2. ASHI’s Proration Policy under Section 15 has been changed as follows:
New Candidates joining ASHI during the year will be charged a pro-rated amount based on the quarter they join.
1st Qtr – join 8/2-11/1
100% of the dues amount
2nd Qtr – join 11/2-2/1
75% of the dues amount
3rd Qtr – 2/2-5/1
50% of the dues amount
4th Qtr – join 5/2-8/1
25% of the dues amount
B. Headquarters Report
B1. The ASHI President will appoint a Disaster Task Force to encourage all ASHI Membership to become FEMA- HUD/VA-and Red Cross-trained and certified. A plan will be presented at the January 2006 Board Meeting.
B2. The ASHI Board approves allocation of no more than $6,000 from the 2005-2006 Operating Budget to help cover the expenses of hosting a fundraising event for ASHI’s InspectPAC in conjunction with InspectionWorld 2006.
C. Membership Report
C1. A concern was raised by the Committee on Logo Use Complaints Chair regarding non-ASHI member use of ASHI apparel. After discussion, the Board agreed by consensus to direct staff to add a line explaining the official policy on wearing of ASHI apparel and the prohibition on wearing it in a manner that would imply full-Member status at a trade show or on any type of inspection.
C2. The Board authorized the Executive Director to sign on ASHI’s behalf a “Federation Membership Agreement” with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce that will allow all ASHI Membership in good standing access to the benefits of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce annually.
D. Miscellaneous Board Reports
D1. At the committee’s request, the Board approved eliminating Policy 17, which established the Membership Survey Committee.
VIII. Unfinished & New Business
A. ASHI Web site
A1. The Board approved the establishment of a Task Force to study the efficiency of our current Web site. This work will be in conjunction with a staff Web team. It is anticipated the Task Force will have a preliminary report for the January 2006 Board meeting.
B. ASHI Work with Kidde
ASHI has been identified as a partner with Kidde International in efforts to warn homeowners of the danger of CO poisoning. The Board was asked to help by endorsing the installation of CO detectors in all homes.
B1. The Board approved the following statement: The American Society of Home Inspectors recommends the installation of smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors in all homes.
C. ASHI Canadian Task Force
C1. The Board approved a reciprocal agreement to invite the President of CAHPI to attend InspectionWorld and the ASHI President to attend CAHPI’s annual conference.
D. Election Campaigning
D1. A motion was made and seconded to add the following language to the policy:
Nominees or Petition Candidates for an Officer or Board of Director position may purchase mailing labels or lists of qualified voting Members’ contact information from Headquarters at cost.
E. InspectionWorld Review
E1. The Board authorized President Norman to sign the agreement with the California Real Estate Inspectors Association to jointly sponsor InspectionWorld 2007 in Anaheim, CA.
IX. Executive Session
During Executive Session, only the Board is allowed to be in the room. After the Executive Session, typically the Secretary reports actions taken during the session as appropriate. No reportable actions were taken during Executive Session.
X. Adjournment
The July 16, 2005, ASHI Board of Directors meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m.
To Read the Full Article
ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
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