NY Metro Chapter Delivers Two-Day Education Program

by Edited by ASHI Staff November 1, 2008

On day one of the two-day NY Metro seminar, Rich Kelly of All Makes Heating and Air Conditioning brought attendees up to date on current geothermal heating technology and installation. They also learned about traditional and cutting-edge basement finishing techniques and materials from Larry Janesky of Basement Systems.

Day two featured the following chapter member presenters and topics:

Victor J. Faggella – exteriors
Victor G. Faggella – electrical systems
Bart Rodi – foundations and structure
Jim Hodrinsky –  mechanical systems
Tom Rooney – interiors

VictorFagella.jpg Victor J. Faggella (pictured at left) organized the the chapter’s 16th annual seminar with the help of Victor G. Faggella, Jim Hodrinsky and John O’Keefe. The educational lineup covered new mechanical and building technologies pertinent to home inspection, as well as ground-up skills required for any home inspection. Attendees licensed in the state of Connecticut received a bonus evening session providing a review of Connecticut state law.

Photo provided by Glenn Woertz.

Georgia Chapter Rolls Out the Red Carpet


The Georgia Chapter kept Russell Daniels, ASHI membership director (above, left, in the photo), busy during his visit to the Southeast Conference held in Atlanta, Ga., in September. The chapter presented Daniels with a plaque in recognition of his outstanding service. In addition, Frank Cooper, Georgia Chapter president, interviewed the visitor from headquarters and posted the video on YouTube.  Daniels reports that while he was at the conference, he signed up four new ASHI members and said he was looking forward to returning next year.

Photo provided by JD Grewel.

Realtor® Visits Utah Chapter

David Mansell, president of the Utah Association of Realtors (UAR), visited with Utah chapter leaders.


Pictured left to right: David Mansell, UAR president; Al Rickard, ASHI associate; Kurt Salomon, ASHI Council Representative, and Fred Larsen, Utah Chapter president.

Photo provided by Kurt Salomon.

The ASHI Chapter Enterprise Award 

Enrichment, fun, camaraderie, rewards and $750

The ASHI Chapter Enterprise Award for Participation at InspectionWorld can mean that and more for the members of two chapters that finish at the top of their respective categories. Go to www.HomeInspector.org, log in as a member and go to Chapters/Other Chapter Forms and Tools to download the complete guidelines.

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