NY ASHI Members Use Legislative Action Center to Defeat Well Water Testing Bill
As first reported in the September ASHI Reporter, New York state ASHI members used the ASHI Legislative Action Center to try to defeat a last-minute bill that would drastically affect rural inspectors. The effort was successful. Here’s a summary ASHI Certified Inspector Gregg Harwood provided to the ASHI Legislative
“Governor Paterson has vetoed the Well Water Information Act. This bill had the potential to harm our profession by restricting inspectors from drawing water samples at homes for sale.
“In an overwhelming response to a call for action, more than 60 New York state ASHI inspectors contacted the governor using the ASHI Legislative Action Center to voice their opposition to this bill and to ask for a veto. The lobbyist for the New York State Association of Home Inspectors reports that bills such as these rarely receive much public comment and that this volume of opposition from the profession gets noticed.
“In his veto message, the Governor stated budgetary pressures and redundancy in his opposition to the bill. He noted that the Department of Health already has private well information on its Web site that is available for anyone concerned.”
If you need to mobilize your state members to conduct grass-roots lobbying with a legislative branch, committee or the governor, contact Bob Kociolek at 947-954-3177 or bobk@ashi.org.
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