NOVA ASHI Works With Chapter Consulting Team Chairperson
Photo: David Sherwood leads a session at NOVA ASHI Chapter meeting.
NOVA ASHI is the latest chapter to benefit from the ASHI Chapter Consulting Team’s efforts. Dave Sherwood from the Consulting Team attended the May 24 chapter meeting and suggested key, innovative changes that were not only well-received by the membership and Board of Directors, but have since been instituted by the chapter. The NOVA ASHI membership listened intently to new ideas shared by Sherwood and all participated in a spirited dialogue on direction and visions of the chapter’s future. The benefits from these changes already are being felt by the chapter in increased membership participation.
Source: Jim Funkhouser, immediate past-president, NOVA ASHI,
PRO-ASHI Enjoys Long-Term Relationship with Rebuilding Together
Photo: PRO-ASHI members (l to r) Brian Mishler, Gregory Frazier and Randy Payne at the beginning of Rebuild Day on April 30th, 2011.
Last month, we published a photo of Brian Mishler receiving a proclamation from the City of Pittsburgh for the chapter’s support of Rebuilding Together’s work in the city. This month, Brian, who is the PRO-ASHI representative on Rebuilding Together Pittsburgh’s Board of Directors, relates how that relationship began and continues today.
In 2008, due to cost overruns caused by unnoticed corroded galvanized steel pipe, PRO-ASHI and Rebuilding Together Pittsburgh (RTP) came to an understanding where our members would provide preview services, especially in situations where a lay previewer “red-flagged” an issue for further evaluation. This provided the chapter with the ability to give back to the community without members needing to be in the same place at the same time, plus it was an excellent PR opportunity.
Rebuilding Together is a national non-profit whose mission is to provide “safe, warm and dry” living conditions to low-income homeowners in need. With Pittsburgh’s aging population, Rebuilding Together Pittsburgh’s primary focus is seniors. However, it has teamed with the Sears “Hero’s at Home” program and is rehabilitating the homes of three veterans in the area.
In short order, 20 members of PRO-ASHI discovered how heartwarming it is to receive the thanks and admiration of seniors in Western Pa, and the clients and sponsors of RTP discovered the generosity and value of ASHI inspectors. In that first year alone, six life-threatening issues were identified by our members and immediately addressed by RTP. Additionally, our members’ skills enabled RTP to better use donations; determine when to replace rather than fix; and how to eliminate pitfalls. From these beginnings, Rebuilding Together and ASHI national now have a memorandum of understanding, and other ASHI chapters also are involved.
Additionally, about eight of our members have been volunteering for Rebuild Day. This year was no exception with Tom Moore and myself providing “house captain” services, and several others volunteering to install lighting, remodel a bathroom and kitchen, and do landscaping. The house captain is responsible for developing a scope of work, ordering and/or getting the materials, and then coordinating and supervising the work.
Chapter Rosters Past Due
It’s that time of year again. Chapters, please send your current rosters to Russell Daniels, ASHI director of chapter relations/membership services. June 30, 2011, was the deadline, but they will continue to be accepted. Email or call 847-954-3185.
This information assists the staff in providing a correct listing of chapter members on the ASHI website.
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ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
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