Notes From The ASHI School

It used to be so simple… When it came to promoting The ASHI School, we would just create a gorgeous brochure, mail it to potential students and wait for the phone to ring and the admissions appointments to roll in. But not anymore.
Today, schools must be marketable to increasingly savvy consumers. Prospective students have a long list of things they are looking for in a school. They want to get a great education for an affordable price.
The ASHI School is positioned to provide this great education. It is very important that we continue to produce educated home inspectors so that we keep the national organization of ASHI stocked and restocked with well-informed, up-and-coming home inspectors.
Whether it is the 93-hour fast track course, the 120-hour course, the 160-hour course or the special ancillary courses, The ASHI School provides comprehensive, interactive and updated educational opportunities for potential home inspectors.
One of the best ways we can promote The ASHI School is by tapping into our network—that’s you! We need you—ASHI members—to talk to your colleagues, especially those potential home inspectors who visit your chapters, and encourage them to take one of our classes. Tell them how beneficialThe ASHI School’s classes were for you. Maybe even suggest that you attend an ancillary class together to learn something new or brush up on a topic.
Also, when you meet a new inspector who has not yet had any formal education in the home inspection field, why not mention the benefits of getting more education and building skills by enrolling in the many types of courses available through The ASHI School?
Keep in mind that people who take classes at The ASHI School have a wide variety of backgrounds—handymen, carpenters, builders, professional engineers, police officers, people from the armed forces and many more.
Becoming a home inspector is an important, responsible job. We believe that an educated home inspector potentially can help save lives.
Be proud of your organization (which, by the way, owns its own home inspection school) and be sure to mention the ASHI School to the people you meet and know.
For more information, please contact The ASHI School at or by 888-884-0440.
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ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
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