Nomination Committees members named: Governance Bylaw ballots mailed

by Edited by ASHI Staff April 1, 2010

Howard Pegelow, council speaker, announced there is no need to hold elections to determine who will serve on the Officer and Director Nominating Committees. Only the required number of council representatives volunteered for each committee.

Officer Nominating Committee
John Biegalski
Ed Massart
Jack Feldmann
Phillip Smith
Scott Dalbey
Shannon Cory
Bill Sutton
Keven Kossler

Director Nominating Committee
Stanley Yensick
Jory Lannes
Sergio Angione
JD Grewell

If the Bylaw changes being considered by ASHI’s voting members pass, the election of officers and directors will take place under the new governance model.

Members have 45 days to respond to the ballots distributed via e-mail in March. Paper ballots were sent to those who do not have an e-mail addresses on file.

Chapter consulting team up and running

David Sherwood, chair of the Chapter Relations Committee, announced that the chapter consulting team has resumed its work assisting chapters with viability and other concerns. He will be reporting on the team’s activities in the months to come.

And $10,000 goes to four lucky InspectionWorld attendees

The names of all full and education conference attendees who also met a Bally’s room-night requirement were placed in a drawing. Congratulations to the four winners:

Tony-Eldon.jpg First prize, $5,000 – Tony Eldon, Bay Area Inspections and Bay Mountain Environmental, San Rafael, Calif.

The jubilant winner said, “Whenever my home inspection business slows down — which, in my area of California, means basically every winter — I usually use the time to obtain more training, get another credential and devise new marketing plans. So, this year I was enthusiastic about the “Diversification” track offered at the ASHI conference. I even got there a day early for the Healthy Homes certification, since I’ve been involved in that area for the past seven years.

“All of the sessions that I attended were excellent and inspirational, and I returned here with a short, but powerful, list of new directions. Then, to my utter amazement, Bill Lewis called to inform me I had won the first-place prize in a drawing — when all I did was attend a great conference, learn how to make more money and stay at a nice hotel.

Unbelievable! My very deepest thanks to everyone at ASHI. I really appreciate this totally unexpected bonus. I’m still stunned, actually.”

Second prize, $2,500 – Monte Meeks, Certified Building Inspectors, Maitland, Fla.

Third prize (two winners), $1,250 each:
Sergio “Serge” DelHoyo,
NOVA Home Inspection LLC, Oakton, Va.; Steve Allison, Oklahoma Inspections, LLC, Broken Arrow, Okla.

CE hours audit concludes

ASHI staff is charged with conducting an audit of Continuing Education (CE) hours every January. A list of ASHI Certified Inspectors and Associates was randomly generated from the database, including at least one member from each chapter. The members on the list were notified how to verify the hours they’ve claimed.

Inspectors who failed the audit have been placed on administrative suspension.

Questions? Contact Sarah Walsh at 847-954-3180 or

FHA and Fannie: Pushing foreclosure sales

If you’ve been following the ASHI Leader Blog, you know that’s a current topic. Join in as ASHI Blogs and Tweets:

Current ASHI Membership

ASHI Certified Inspectors: 3,431
Associates/Logo: 117
Associates: 1,345
Retired Members: 109
Affiliates: 82
Total: 5,084

ASHI calendar of events
• April 23, 2010, Board Meeting, Rosemont, Ill.
• July 24, 2010, Board Meeting, Rosemont, Ill.
• Oct 23, 2010, Board Meeting, Rosemont, Ill.
• Jan. 25-28, 2011, InspectionWorld, Atlanta, Ga.
• Jan. 4-7, 2012, InspectionWorld, Phoenix, Ariz.
• Jan. 13-16, 2013, InspectionWorld, Las Vegas, Nev.

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