News From Across the Nation
ASHI’s public relations program delivers a strong and consistent message… ASHI speaks for the profession.
An example of success: HGTV’s “New series primetime, House Detective” press release reads, “House detective relies on its partnership with the American Society of Home Inspectors to ensure that the inspectors on the show are the best in their field.”
Through the combined efforts of ASHI’s leadership, the Public Relations Committee, the public relations consulting firm (Publicis Dialog) and the Membership, this message is being delivered far and wide to all the important audiences – the public, potential customers, other real estate-transaction professionals, home inspectors, legislators and government officials.
Leadership takes to the public airwaves
John Ghent, ASHI president, delivered the message in July as the invited guest of David Horowitz, host of the syndicated Talk Radio Network show FIGHT BACK. He discussed home
inspection issues and took calls from listeners.
ASHI advertises in national publication
When the editors of REAL ESTATE BUSINESS, asked ASHI to review its “Learning to Love the Home Inspector” article, ASHI elected to maximize the benefits of this free positive publicity by buying ad space in the same issue. The ad and article appeared in September/October REAL ESTATE BUSINESS, whose 49,000 readers are members who pay dues to the Council of Residential Brokerage Managers Councils. The ad delivered ASHI’s core message and encouraged readers to visit the ASHI booth at the REALTORS® conference to learn more.
Publicis Dialog keeps the information flowing
ASHI’s public relations consultants attract the attention of publishers and broadcasters on several levels. Press releases, such as the three most recent listed here, provide a continuous flow of newsworthy information to top daily newspapers, syndicated real estate writers and real estate trade publications.
• “ASHI Provides Insight on Selecting a Home Inspector”
• “ASHI Web Site and 800 Number Offer Convenient Resource in Finding an Experienced Home Inspector”
• “Fall Improvements Can Prevent Winter Problems; ASHI
Provides Information on Protecting Your Home”
In addition to mass mailings, ASHI’s public relations consultants are always ready to work with writers, editors, publishers and broadcasters one on one. Examples of recent interactions with representatives of well-known publications follow.
• Provided home inspection information and ASHI material to Renee Freemon at Better Homes and Gardens. She is writing about the aging of homes in America and what types of age-related problems consumers can expect.
• Arranged for editor Bill Clemmons of Chicago Magazine to interview ASHI Public Relations Committee Chair Steve Preins and ASHI Member Frank Lesh regarding the pending home inspection legislation in Illinois.
• Provided information on home inspection as well as arranged interviews for Connie Clark of ABC News in New York. She is working on a story on home inspections and seller disclosure laws.
• Provided information on ASHI to Ellen Sturm at Home Remodeling and Kitchen & Baths Magazines. She is looking for new story ideas involving remodeling.
• Reviewed material for accuracy for Norma Shaw at Kiplinger Books. She is updating the book “Buying and Selling a Home” and wanted to verify information on ASHI.
• Provided information on licensing as well as arranged interviews for freelancer Sally Duros. She was writing an article on the home inspector licensing bill in Illinois for the Chicago Sun Times.
• Answered a request from Dennis Kleinheinz at Meicher & Associates for industry study information.
• Provided ASHI material to Sara Morell from World of Homes, who is writing a story on the home inspection process.
• Helped Newsday prepare for a feature article by providing a list of ASHI Membership in New York.
• Provided local contact information to Ryan Duboscar from the Philadelphia Business Journal to help him with his story on
• Furnished contact information to Deloris Cannizzaro from HGTV’s House Detectives to help her find inspectors in the California bay area who would be appropriate for the program.
• Worked with Desiree Strong as she produced a television segment, featuring Steve Preins, which was syndicated nationally in 80 markets.
• Forwarded background information on ASHI to Shellee Sandy from the Alabama Radio Network. She is considering ASHI for future program ideas.
• Provided contact information as well as ASHI material to Colleen Dougher at Citylink Newspaper in Florida to assist her with a story about the status of home inspection in Florida.
• Worked with Melissa Jakubowski from to have a water-testing article removed from the Web site. While they use ASHI materials, this story was not produced by ASHI.
Clippings and comments keep coming in
HQ welcomes clippings and comments about positive publicity the Membership has helped create or that has come to their attention locally. Here are some recent arrivals.
Clipping from the July 22 Chicago Tribune: A feature article on mold by Mary Umberger quotes ASHI PR Committee Chair Steve Preins and cites as a source The Healthy House Institute, “My House is Killing Me,” by Jeffrey May, Johns Hopkins University Press©, 2001 (available October 2001). Jeffrey May, J. May Home Inspections, Inc., Cambridge, Mass., is an ASHI Member.
Tom Corbettt, Tomacor, Inc., Chicago, Ill., reports he was featured on a local TV evening news broadcast in August and was quoted in “Licensing Home Inspectors,” in the Chicago Sun Times real estate section, August 3, 2001.
Wallace Conway, Florida HomePro, Inc., Jacksonville, Fla., was featured in the syndicated article “Inspector sniffs out home’s defects” by Earl Daniels. It appeared in The Florida Times-Union, the Chicago Tribune and other newspapers.
Bob Wieland, media relations manager for LandSafe, Inc., emailed the news that Drew McKinney, ASHI Candidate, wrote a humorous article on home inspections for the September edition of Corporate Relocation News that also appeared on the Web site: In addition, Drew was quoted on the problems of black mold in an industry focus column in September’s Mobility magazine.
Donald E. Brown, Building Inspection Services, Fayetteville, Ga., sent an eight-page section for new homebuyers from his local daily newspaper. He said he was pleased to see ASHI well represented with a half-page story, but was concerned because a previous address was listed. HQ welcomed the opportunity to update the source.
Keep spreading the word… ASHI speaks for the profession. Keep sharing the good news.
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ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
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