New York Media Welcomes DIY Tips & More from ASHI President
Every year, ASHI’s president and executive director visit representatives of national publications in New York City to impress on them that ASHI is the best source for all home inspection-related information. Last October, Frank Lesh, ASHI president, and Richard Bennett, ASHI acting
executive director, did the tour.
Manning Selvage and Lee, ASHI’s pubic relations consulting firm, reports on the face-to-face meetings it arranged for Lesh in New York:
“The Money Pit” (6 million listeners weekly) – Tom Kraeutler, host of the nationally syndicated call-in radio show “The Money Pit,” received a brief overview
of ASHI activities to date, as well as a synopsis on Lesh’s experience with radiant heat and energy audits. Lesh was invited to appear on the show at a date to be announced.
Good Housekeeping (4,739,773 circ.) – Stacy Genovese, consumer electronics and engineering director, and Marjorie Cubisino, director of consumer-related services for the Good Housekeeping Research Institute, handle Good Housekeeping Seal investigations for the publication. Since the meeting, they have used to identify local ASHI Certified Inspectors to help them investigate Good Housekeeping Seal complaints, and they are interested in using several of Lesh’s Do It Yourself (DIY) tips for an upcoming piece in the publication.
Martha Stewart Living (2,005,980 circ.) – Elizabeth Botero, senior associate home editor for Martha Stewart Living, was interested in the DIY tips, maintenance checklist and deck safety insights Lesh provided. She may contact Lesh for subject matter support for magazine shoots, particularly as it relates to product placement and safety.
CNN/Money (5,960,273 visitors monthly) – Les Christie, staff writer for CNN/Money, talked with Lesh about ASHI’s involvement in mortgage lending as well as learning more about the number of people who opt-in to home inspections given the current market. Lesh provided an overview of ASHI’s efforts in Washington, D.C., as well as insight about how the market is
affecting home inspectors.
This Old House (962,636 circ.) — An editorial team from This Old House including Scott Omelianuk, editor; Betsy Andrews, Web editor; Alex Bandon, multimedia editor; and Tom Baker, building technology editor, expressed appreciation for ASHI, particularly as it related to the partnership between the ASHI Reporter’s Postcards from the Field and This Old House’s Home Inspection Nightmares photo gallery. Lesh shared ASHI’s maintenance checklist, DIY home inspection tips and thoughts about phased inspections for new construction.
Popular Mechanics (1,229,998 circ.) – Roy Berendsohn, senior home editor of Popular Mechanics, was interested in hearing about ASHI’s maintenance checklist, Lesh’s DIY home inspection tips and the ASHI Reporter’s Postcards from the Field. Lesh was invited to write a sidebar for a future article.
Photo: ASHI President Frank Lesh (l) with Roy Berendsohn, senior home editor of Popular Mechanics.
ASHI caught the attention of publications in addition to those visited in New York city, including the following:
Natural Home Magazine – Lesh contributed to an article by freelance writer Misty McNally for the March 2008 issue about possible environmental pros and cons of homes built in different eras.
REALTOR Magazine –Tom Frank, editor of Realtor Magazine, spoke with Lesh for an article on home maintenance that will appear in the February 2008 issue.
Broker Agent Magazine – The press release “Curb Appeal: Five tips for inspecting your landscape” appeared in the December 2007 issue.
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