New Meeting Planner is up and running

by Edited by ASHI Staff September 1, 2003

Carlos Tabora, ASHI director of marketing, announced the selection of Angela Orlando as ASHI’s Conference and Meetings Manager. She’s already using her past association and meeting/event planning experience with the American Amusement Machine Association and Installshield Software Corporation as she takes over the reins of InspectionWorld.

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Looking to the future

Every 3-5 years, ASHI embarks on a process where current, past and future leaders of the Society gather and work extensively with staff and professional facilitators to create the official Strategic Plan of the Society.

Our Strategic Plan outlines the goals, objectives, strategies and action items of ASHI to ensure our continued success. We base our staff operations, committee work plans and even our budgeting around the plan. It is time for ASHI to conduct this planning session again, especially in conjunction with the aggressive implementation plan for the ASHI Brand the Board of Directors has authorized.  

The Strategic Planning Task Force includes individuals from our committees, Council, Board and past leadership along with ASHI staff. The following people have been invited to serve this year.

Steve Baranello (Chapter Relations Committee, COR);
Alan Carson (Past President);
Joe Corsetto (BOD, Ethics Committee);
John Cranor (Technical Committee);
Robert Gwaltney (BOD, Bylaws Committee);
Brion Grant (Legislative Committee, COR);
JD Grewell (Standards Committee);
Jim Hemsell (Legislative Committee);
Skip Kelley (Public Relations Committee, COR);
Frank Lesh (BOD, Technical Committee);
Don Lovering (Membership Committee);
Miki Mertz (COR);
Brian Murphy (BOD);
Roger Robinson (Ethics Committee);
John Palczuk (Past President);
Scott Patterson (Education Committee);
Keith Ruehl (BOD);
Ken Salvo (Education Committee, COR);
Paul Staron (Public Relations Committee, COR); and
Tim Tucker (Public Relations Committee, COR).

The task force will meet in Chicago this September to plan for ASHI’s future, and a proposed plan will be presented to the Board of Directors at its October meeting for review and approval.  

Planners will rely heavily on the input collected from the Membership in various branding surveys conducted during the past year. The survey data reflects the interests, needs and desires of the ASHI Membership, and the plan will be crafted to reflect this input. The Membership will receive a copy of the plan approved by the Board.  

Next step for the Code

The Code of Ethics Committee has feedback on the proposed new Code gathered from public hearings, mail and e-mail. The committee will develop a final proposed version in September that will be presented to Members in November. For the new Code to be adopted, 30 percent of the Members must vote, and two-thirds of those voting must vote “yes.”

Standards of Practice hearing at InspectionWorld

The Standards of Practice committee announced it will hold a hearing on proposed changes to the Standards at InspectionWorld in January 2004.

RSVP for Chapter Leadership Day  

Who will attend Chapter Leadership Day in Chicago, Friday October 24, 2003 to plan and participate in the kick off of the ASHI Brand? Every Chapter should have a representative participating and networking.

ASHI joins Residential Moisture Management Network (RMMN)

Rob Paterkiewicz recently participated in a meeting of the Residential Moisture Management Network on ASHI’s behalf. He reports the group is gearing up for education and communication work regarding this important topic over the next year. The organization is a network of government agencies and private industries with the goal of coordinating programs; enhancing efforts; sharing information; and disseminating research, technical findings, and best practices that specifically help manage moisture in the residential buildings. Visit for more information.  

Recognize those who serve

Nomination forms for ASHI’s two most prestigious awards – the John E. Cox and the Philip C. Monahon Awards – are available on, and in past issues of the ASHI Reporter. If you know of someone who is deserving of recognition, complete and return the form to HQ by September 29, 2003.

ASHI keeps growing  

In one month, ASHI added to the Membership at a rate of more than five home inspectors a day. Current Membership is 6383. Spread the word, ASHI serves its Membership and the profession.

ASHI to exhibit at NAR® Conference in San Francisco

The call for volunteers to work the booth next November has already gone out to the Golden Gate Chapter. The annual conference offers the Society the opportunity to educate real estate professionals about ASHI one on one.

Dress for success in ASHI apparel

ASHI is in the process of adding 20 new items to its apparel line in response to a growing demand from the Membership fueled in part by the new service that allows home inspectors to customize many of the items carrying the ASHI logo. Check out the online store at www. or contact HQ for more information.

ASHI calendar of events

• September 4-5, 2003, Ethics Committee meeting, Chicago, IL
• September 18-20, 2003, Strategic Planning meeting, Chicago, IL
• September 25, 2003, Officer Nominating Committee meeting, Chicago, IL
• October 24-25, 2003, Chapter Leadership Day and Board of Directors meeting, Chicago, IL
• January 13, 2004, COR meeting, 10 a.m. – 7 p.m., Albuquerque, NM (tentative)
• January 14, 2004, Board of Directors meeting, Albuquerque, NM
• January 15-17, 2004 InspectionWorld, Albuquerque, NM

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