New England Chapter’s Code of Conduct

The following code was developed by our Chapter based on research and provocative discussions at several meetings. Other chapters should feel free to adopt this document for their own use. We ask only that credit be given where due.
– Don Lovering, President, ASHI New England

Code of Conduct: New England Chapter of The American Society of Home Inspectors

In order to further a productive flow of information, to provide a forum for frank, open and constructive debate, to create a professional atmosphere that will encourage all members to participate in the affairs of this Chapter, and by doing so to more effectively serve the members of this Chapter, we members of the Board of Directors and Chapter Committees commit ourselves to the following Code of Conduct:

Members will arrive and meetings will begin on time.

When meetings are called to order, all electronic communication devices will be silenced.

There will be no private conversations during meetings.

All speakers will be recognized by the President and no member will speak while another member has the floor.

Members will be prepared for meetings and will make every effort to keep remarks clear and concise.

Members will remain focused and attentive when others are addressing the meeting.
Discussions will be conducted in a professional manner. Profane, inflammatory, or disrespectful language, gesture, or demeanor will not be tolerated.

In all instances, meeting procedures will be based upon Robert’s Rules of Order.
Recognizing that we serve as volunteers with the common purpose of furthering the Home Inspection Profession and the professional lives of all our members, we resolve to work in a civil and courteous manner toward that goal.

 Lone Star Chapter leads the way: Holds virtual meeting on new Chapter Forum

While a half-dozen ASHI chapters have expanded their communication options by creating a private discussion board on the recently added ASHI Chapter Forum, Lone Star Chapter was the first to take full advantage of the new technology by holding a virtual meeting. Travel time and expense no longer stand in the way of the when the
Texans want to share ideas and information.

All chapters are encouraged to use Chapter Forum in the Discussion Boards section of Members Only on

Private chapter forums allow individuals to tap into a discussion from a location of their own choosing and on their own time schedule. While online capability won’t replace all traditional meetings and newsletters, it does offer busy volunteers an efficient and effective way to plan events, invite feedback and share local news. 
Communication builds support for local and national goals. Chapters now have two additional communication channels. Each member can make a “Buddy List” of other chapter members in his or her online Membership Directory. Also, the entire membership can tap into local news and discussions by visiting the Chapter Forum section of Online is the place to be for chapters looking to the future.

South Carolina Chapter hosts delegation from Japan

ASHI has been receiving a delegation from Japan at Headquarters for the past several years. This year, the visitors from Japan’s building industry were ready for a field trip, and Bill Jacques got the call from HQ asking if the South Carolina Chapter would host the group.

According to Bill, “The meeting went well. Although there aren’t any home inspections in Japan, some members of the group expressed an interest in starting a home inspection business. Most were either building supply firms, home centers or groups associated with providing home services to the public.”

During the two-hour meeting with the nine visitors and their interpreter, Bill distributed The ASHI Standards of Practice,  and ASHI@Home Training material, and ASHI Web page information. He said he also “reviewed the state legislative conditions in our state.”

Bill found the visitors to be receptive to his comments, something that was confirmed in the letter to him from the delegation’s representative.

“We are happy to inform you that we have received a truly favorable reply from the Japan 2X4 Home Builder Association regarding your presentation on ASHI at the Charleston Premier Riverview Hotel, this past Monday, Feb. 11. The entire delegates were overwhelmed in the presentation provided by you. Your presentation provided the delegates with far more information than they had imagined.

Of course, we could not have received such favorable responses from the organizer and the delegates without the cooperation our company had received from you and the ASHI organization, as a whole. We are grateful to you, Mr. Mike Parker (SCASHI, Chapter President), and Mr. Bob Kociolek (ASHI headquarters, Director of Chapter Relations & State Affairs). Words cannot totally express our sincere gratitude to all of you, but please accept these two small words of thank you as our heartfelt appreciation for the presentation.”

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