New ASHI Web Site Built for Home Inspectors by Home Inspectors

by Kurt Salomon March 1, 2008

ASHI has developed a new Web site,,  that provides excellent navigation features and educational offerings to ASHI membership. Furthermore, it was designed to get home inspectors to visit our site and join ASHI.

There is a new, easier-to-use ASHI discussion forum for information exchanged by home inspectors.

The technical sections will, over time, be open to all home inspectors, while the ASHI questions, business, legislation, real estate and chitchat will remain for ASHI membership only.

It is designed to provide a technology library of pertinent public documents and links to private
documents and Web sites.

While we improve our ability to serve ASHI home inspectors, we will, to the extent feasible, try to maintain its rankings with major search engines. These high rankings are responsible for many leads from the current ASHI site resulting in home inspections performed by ASHI members. At the time of this
writing, Googling showed #3 with home inspection or home inspector.

The navigation strategies allow users to find hidden information; the new site employs a series of strategies to “bubble-up” the content. For example:

Quick Links – The site will have a drop-down list of “hot” links to elevate any section or page to a first-level status.

House banner ads –
The template of the site will include a space for banner ads. These can be for paid ads or cross promotion.

The member’s information displayed to the public has been expanded to allow for a Curriculum Vitae or a resume.

The login feature includes login persistence and different paths and access for ASHI membership and non-ASHI home inspectors.

The site has been built with Search Engine Optimization (SEO) features, including integration with ASHI’s central database and news data islands.

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