New ASHI President is a Blogger

by Edited by ASHI Staff March 1, 2010

David Tamny is building followers quickly on the ASHI Leadership Blog. Use the button at the bottom of the homepage or go to to read his comments on current topics of interest to inspectors.

Big bucks for Grand Prize Drawing winners

The names of four InspectionWorld attendees will be drawn to share in the $10,000 grand prize as soon as the hotel room audit is completed. To participate, attendees were required to be registered for either the full or education conference and to pay for three or more nights in the ASHI room block at Bally’s
Las Vegas.

InspectionWorld photos available online

InspectionWorld photos can be viewed and purchased on the Universal Image Web site. Go to, click on Find Your Photos and type in InspectionWorld 2010.

Calling Presenters for IW 2011

The Call for Presentation has been issued for InspectionWorld Atlanta, January 25-28, 2011. To receive a form, contact Michele George at or 847-954-3188. It is also available from the ASHI Members Only Web site, under Downloads and Forms.

The ASHI Education Committee will review all proposed presentations based on relative and technical merit. Proposals must be received by March 15, 2010 to be considered.

CE Hours Audit is Underway

ASHI staff is charged with conducting an audit of Continuing Education (CE) hours every January. A list of ACIs and Associates is randomly generated from our database, including at least one member from each chapter. The members on the list will be notified how to verify the hours they’ve claimed.
Inspectors who fail the audit are placed on administrative suspension.

Questions? Contact Sarah Walsh at 847-954-3180 or

Attention Chapter Presidents

To ensure chapter information on file is current, we’re asking chapter presidents to fill out and return the Changes To Chapter Information form available on, Members Only, Downloads and Forms.

Presidents are also asked to submit a current roster and to forward a copy of the chapter’s financial statement so ASHI can bind Directors and Officers Liability coverage for the chapter. Please include, at minimum, the amount of cash on hand and annual revenues and expenses.

Send all of the above to Russell Daniels  at

Chapter presidents also are encouraged to discuss the proposed governance Bylaw changes with members.

Current ASHI Membership

ASHI Certified Inspectors: 3,398
Associates/ Logo: 115
Associates: 1,264
Retired Members: 107
Affiliates: 79
Total: 4,965

ASHI calendar of events
• April 24, 2010, Board Meeting, Rosemont, Ill.
• July 24, 2010, Board Meeting, Rosemont, Ill.
• Oct 23, 2010, Board Meeting, Rosemont, Ill.
• Jan. 25-28, 2011, InspectionWorld, Atlanta, Ga.
• Jan. 4-7, 2012, InspectionWorld, Phoenix, Ariz.
• Jan. 13-16, 2013, InspectionWorld, Las Vegas, Nev.

To Read the Full Article

ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..

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