New ASHI Member Benefits

by Edited by ASHI Staff February 1, 2012

ASHI is pleased to announce two new ASHI-endorsed programs: long-term care insurance and supplemental health insurance. Information on the programs was mailed and emailed to the membership. Find out about all ASHI-endorsed programs. Take advantage of the benefits of your ASHI membership.  

Long-Term Care Insurance

Norris Pacholick Benefit Advisors (NPBA) specializes in long-term care insurance.

When do you need long-term care:

  • Do you want choice and financial independence?
  • Do you want to avoid burdening family and friends with your care?
  • Do you want to have access to quality care?
  • Do you want to preserve the wealth you’ve worked so hard for over your lifetime?

Long-term care insurance helps you achieve your goals and gives you peace of mind.

Go to or contact
John Pacholick, 312-804-1762, or
Tom Norris, 630-742-6607,

Supplemental Health Insurance

Aflac insures more than 50 million people worldwide. Aflac is different from major medical insurance. Major medical pays doctors and hospitals. Aflac is insurance for daily living. It pays cash benefits directly to you, unless assigned, to help with daily expenses when you’re sick or hurt. The benefits are predetermined and paid regardless of any other insurance you may have. Aflac is affordable, with a range of products that fit most budgets. Aflac processes claims quickly — usually within four days.

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