New 2005 ASHI Directors
Every year, the Council of Representatives elects one-third of the 15-director ASHI board for a three-year term. The five nominees who receive the most votes become directors. The nominee who finishes sixth in the vote count becomes the alternate director, and the remaining nominees, in order of number of votes received, are in line as alternates should another alternate be needed. Voting closed December 6, 2004. Comments below are taken from matrices submitted to the Council for the election.
Gregory L. Caudill
Home Review, Inc.
Manasas, Virg.
“ASHI is chartered to serve its members and promote excellence in the home inspection industry. I truly believe with the right approach such as branding and other courses of action, ASHI will continue to be the leader and association of choice for home inspectors and inspection clients. However, this will not be done without bumps and bruises along the way by the membership… With transparency in its infancy within the Society, providing information up and down the conduits of power is essential and needs improvement.”
Thoroughout my adult life, I have been focused on professionalism and training for myself and those around me. I have successfully managed people and their growth in business on two career levels. Becoming a leader takes personal involvement and dedication. … It really boils down to being a good person who will listen to my fellow inspectors and apply their knowledge, along with mine, for the betterment of ASHI.”
American Inspection Service, Inc.
Ravenel, S.C.
“I believe in ASHI. This is evidenced by my dedication in promoting the ideals of ASHI and taking active roles in the state chapter and ASHI national. I believe in The ASHI Experience, transparency within the Society, looking after the finances of running the Society, education and representing the membership. I have operated a successful inspection business for over 15 years and will continue to learn each day by being part of The ASHI Experience.”
My goals are to grow the ASHI organization by professionalism and keep the organization strong by attracting members who are worthy of The ASHI experience. The ASHI branding project is one of the most important projects ASHI has under taken in many years, and I will look forward to help guide, refine and implement the branding program as well as the other issues that come before the Board and ASHI.”
Champia Corp.
Marietta, Ga.
“(I am) concerned with the direction of ASHI at this juncture. Numerous years of service to ASHI have made me able to understand all facets of ASHI. Leadership positions in both military and ASHI allow me to take an active leadership role in the governance of ASHI at the national level. I have a strong ability to both speak and write and, as a trained facilitator, I can bring various factions together for a common goal.”
Insight Home Inspection
Madison, Ala.
“Like many home inspectors, my career path has taken many turns over the years. I have worked under the blistering sun in the Texas and Oklahoma oil fields, on oil barges in the swamps of Louisiana, and have seen squalls from an oil rig 100 miles offshore in the Gulf of Mexico. I have watched the Space Shuttle leap into space nearly a hundred times, holding my breath until main-engine cutoff. While attending InspectionWorld in Orlando, I stood on the waterway at Cape Canaveral with a group of home inspectors and watched the Columbia lift off on its last flight. I have seen and been a part of great danger, great achievement and great sorrow.”
I have learned from all of these experiences, and I know there are no substitutes for hard work, persistence and passion for excellence. The ASHI mission is to meet the needs of its membership and promote excellence and exemplary practice within the profession.”
It is important that all voices within the Society, even the unpopular ones, be heard. I will look to the Council of Representatives to provide real and meaningful input from the members, and will work to maintain open communication with all in the council.”
J.C. Wenger Home Inspection Company
Colorado Springs, Colo.
“In recent years, the ever accelerating advancements in home inspection technologies, as well escalation of state initiated legislature to control the various aspects of home inspections have made it necessary for ASHI to investigate and open new avenues to enhance support for members. The resulting changes in ASHI programs have resulted in many situations where black and white answers to problematic situations could not be obtained… I worked nine years as a Major Air Command Staff Officer, where I spent most of my time investigating and negotiating solutions to problems ranging from Intra-command operational conflicts to Congressional Investigations. This experience has provided me with knowledge and insight that I feel would be a very valuable asset to the Board of Directors.”
Alternate Director for 2005
John Gerardi
Gerardi Engineering
Poughkeepsie, N.Y.
“ASHI is, by far, the leading home inspection organization in the country. In order to maintain our lead and increase our influence, we need to dedicate ourselves to improving communications with the members, our “customers,” to keep them fully informed. We need to find a way to take advantage of the tremendous talent and dedication of the COR to fulfill their role of aiding the Board of Directors in communicating with the membership. We need to continue to offer additional benefits to our membership at reasonable rates like E&O insurance and group health
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ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
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