NEMA Offers Opportunity Exclusively to ASHI’s Membership
NEMA Weather-Resistant Receptacle Survey
The National Electrical Manufacturers Association’s Wiring Device Section, in partnership with the American Society of Home Inspectors (ASHI), is collecting information on the use and installation of outdoor receptacles. The results of the survey will be used in the development of industry standards.
The survey asks questions such as:
• Location of the receptacle, e.g., “Front, Deck, Patio.”
• Receptacle type: GFCI device or standard receptacle.
• Type of mounting box.
• Type of wall material that the receptacle is mounted on.
• Type of cover.
• Inspect the cover for damage—is the cover is correctly oriented and mounted tightly?
• Is a gasket, caulking or nothing used to install the mounting box?
• Inspect for gaps in the mounting surface behind the cover.
• Take a photograph of the cover.
ASHI inspectors will be reimbursed $25 for their participation per house/survey.
This is an exclusive arrangement and only ASHI Membership will be able to participate! Beginning in mid-November, the program is slated to run for approximately three months, during which time NEMA hopes surveys will be completed in every state.
Important: If you are going to participate in this program, you are required to disclose your participation to your customer to be in compliance with the ASHI Code of Ethics. While no personal or identifying information on the property or owners is being requested, your disclosure is required to satisfy 1.D and 2.C of the Code. A simple form should be given to your client indicating the nature of the survey and your part in the process as a result of your membership in ASHI, including that you receive a modest fee for the information and that no personal information will be provided.
If you have questions about representing ASHI in this partnership, e-mail ASHI’s Executive Director Rob Paterkiewicz at To participate, please send an e-mail to for further instructions.
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