National Home Inspectors Exam

by John Ghent October 1, 2001

A Chinese proverb dealing with fear:
“To know the road ahead, ask those coming back”

NHIE intimidates

At a recent chapter appearance,  I was impressed by what a Candidate said who had just taken and failed the National Home Inspectors Exam (NHIE). Although disappointed, she felt she had overcome a fear of the unknown. She had “faced the monster.” Another Candidate overhearing our conversation stated he didn’t take the exam because he was afraid to fail. The ensuing discussion led to an interesting point.

Taking the exam pass or fail exposes you to the monster you perceive the exam to be. Whether you pass or fail, you will get over your biggest hurdle, fear of the unknown. When you take the exam and find out the questions are common sense and the exam passable with some studying, you may wonder why you waited to take it. Even if you fail the first time, the fee you paid was well spent because it allows you to sit for the exam again without being intimidated walking in the door. The second time you’ll be able to focus not on the unknown, but on the subject matter.  I hope I convinced the young man who was in fear to sit for the NHIE as soon as possible. I know the young lady was returning as soon as she was able to take it again, and I am confident she will pass it.

Your officers are traveling
Fall is a busy time for ASHI officers. Requests for chapter visits get heavy. We are all available at your request to visit and speak at a chapter meeting or seminar. This year more than ever the officers will be “on tour.”  During one week in October, we will be representing ASHI in five different States. These visits promote a closer relationship between membership and leadership and that’s why we make ourselves available at your request. 

We’ll be publishing a list of various annual engagements for next year to help avoid planning conflicts. If you have an annual seminar or other special program, let us know as soon as possible, so we can add the dates to the published list thereby avoiding scheduling conflicts between chapters.


Training your leaders
Chapter Leadership Day in Chicago looks as if it will be one of our biggest ever. As our Chapters grow so do the numbers attending this valuable training session. Keep in mind that the concept of developing leaders is important to the continued growth of our Society. The tradition of starting at the committee level, moving on to Chapter leadership, then up to the Council of Representatives, advancing to a Directors position on the Board, and eventually running for an office provides a training ground for your leaders. Continuity of leadership development is very important, and we are trying hard to maintain the level of training.  As Members, you need to encourage the best and brightest in your Chapters to move forward. Many are reluctant  to volunteer without some type of local support. We will continue to make Leadership Day an event not to be missed – one that encourages long-term commitments to leadership.

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